Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, (Holum

Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, Fourth Edition (Holum, John R.) Arthur Glasfeld. J. Chem. Educ. , 1990, 67 (12), p A312...
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The problems at the end of each section provide the student with a great deal of practice in applying the method and enable students to test their abilities to use what has been learned. Solutions to the problems are provided a t the end of the hook. This allows for self testing and immediate feedback which has been shown to be a very effective learning strategy. By organizing the vast array of organic chemical reactions in a convenient summary form, the author has created a valuable learning tool that will enable students to increase their skill in predicting the outcome of chemical reactions. Gloria Dimoplon Mankato State University Mankato, MN 56002 ChemlDtry Stanley R. Radel and Marjorie H. Navidi. West Publishing: St. Paul. MN. 1990. xxx 1153 pp. Figs. and tables. 22 X 26 cm.


In the preface of this book, the authors say they have written for all audiences; the students who intend Chemistry as a major, those who enjoy sciences, and finally, for those who are nonscience majors who enjoy and wish to know something about chemistry to make them a wiser consumer and a more effective citizen. Today's demographics indicate the latter two groupings, if they elect chemistry a t all, are the major audience. On first observation, this textbook would seem awesome in its size, weight, and amount of material that is presented to an audience that intends chemistry as an elective. As a reviewer, I don't know if I would think any differently. The authors obviously have attempted to ease the "pain" of learning chemistry by creating a format for the text that is helpful to the student. A cautionary note: T h e instructor should spend time to explain how the materials presented flow from section to section beenuse of all the solved ~ r o h l e msets... oractice nrnhlnmr. color dates. eraohics.,demonstrar ... tions and survey sections that are presented in the body of the text. Otherwise, it is felt that "helpful" information can disrupt the flaw of the chapter. Chapter 1is prohably the most important chapter for the beginning student with minimal science background and marginal math and reasoning (scientific) abilities. The pattern of examples-practice exercises give the student ample exposure to the kinds of problem solutions he will he faced with later. Certainly the amount of material covered in this chapter can he overwhelming to the underprepared student and must he approached as such. For example, chemistry departments at many institutions require students (in a one-semester course) to master these 33 oaees of informatmn before con~. tinu~ngon to Chapwr 2. The units covrred range f n m the concept of chemistry, rnrrgy and matter to the collection of data and all that it implies to: accuracy, precision, random error, rounding off, significant figures, conversion factors, dimensional analysis, concepts of density, force (and all that implies) and finally heat, work and energy. Is this amount of material to he learned before proceeding? I t is substantial, but, again, well done. The format for the remaining 22 chapters is set in Chapter 2. The authors start with a chapter outline and ~ r o c e e dto a preview of ~~~~








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Journal of Chemical Education

the material to he covered. They then proceed with the body of the text in the traditional manner. When necessary, there is a digression in the text entitled, "Digging Deeper." This is a section of material that orohahlv would be used for the better studenti. For rrample, in Chapter 2. "Digging D~eper"folluws 1 hr srction on "The D w o w ery of the Electrons." and deals with how electrons charges and masses were determined. As observed earlier, solved examples and practice examples are sprinkled throughout and a t the end of the chapter, a great number of "final exercises" are available for assienments. Interesting inclusions called "demonstrations" appear throughout the text. The culorphvtuyraphs may be usrd to accompany a verbal explanation of the "demonstration." I t is assumed an enterprising instructor could actually perform the procedure accompanying each demonstration. At the end of the chapter, the authors supply a chapter review hy section, key terms by section, important equations, and final exercises. Final exercise questions numbered in blue have answers that can be found in the appendix. The authors follow the abovementioned format in presenting the materials that are traditionally found in a General Chemistry textbook that covers two semesters. Rearrangements of topics is permissible to fulfill departmental philosophies in their approach to the teaching. The liberal use of diagrams, pictures, graphics and tables lengthens the page numbers to well over 1,000. I t is a "heavy" text. I can't think of anything else that could he added to the text short of an interesting set of laboratory exercises to replace the demonstrations used. I would recommend a very serious look a t this text before adoption. The reason far the lab statement is this: All indication for future direction for General Chemistry (first two semesters) is away from M.O., thermodynamics and other difficult theoretical information. Chemistry should be understandable and interesting for the nonscienee major. Most of what is in this text, though well presented, is a hit overwhelming for this level of student. Out of 23 chapters, the authors have included four "Survey Sections." They are similar to applied chemistry information that one finds in most chemistry texts. The difference is that these are noted as such. They are well done but less of the tough theorv. e h a ~ t e r sof which I would count 10. 2nd an increased the underrtandahle "easy .tuff," cuuld help excite the nunscience stu. dent into thinking about chrm:*try swiuusIY. Harry G. Hajian


students in the allied health sciences. Of 29 chapters, the first 11 are devoted to basic chemical principles, the next eight to organic chemistry and the final 11to hiochemistry. In compressing this material, which normally fills three substantial hooks, it isohvious that many important topics will receive onlv limited attention. Holum has. however. in this rdition.expnnded the text tu rnclude a n m chapter on redux rhemirtry. Other changes are smaller but do serve to improve the book significantly. Holum has introduced a discussion of hybridization in organic molecules in an early chapter on honding and has included new "Special Topics" on environmental chemistry, w-3 fatty acids, DNA fingerprinting, biological redox reactions, and ester condensations.