Future Articles - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 18, 2012 - Future Articles. Anal. Chem. , 1963, 35 (6), pp 164A–164A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60199a883. Publication Date: May 1963. ACS Legacy Archive...
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The Titrimetric Determination of Boron in Boron Suicides: An Evaluation of Separation Procedures

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m forthcoming

A. J. Frank

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Determination of Oxygen in Gallium Arsenide by Neutron Activation Analysis R. F. Bailey and D. A. Ross

Cation Exchange Separation of Lead

Infrared Spectra-Structure Correlation Study of Vanadium-Oxygen Compounds

J. S. Fritz and R. G. Greene

L. D. Frederickson, Jr., and D. M. Hausen

Safe Handling and Storage of Organic Peroxides in the Laboratory

A Rapid Combustion Method for Nitrogen Determination Utilizing Gas Chromatography

D. C. Noller and D. J. Bolton

M. L Parsons, S. N. Pennington, and J. M. Walker

Studies in the Structure of Organic Peroxides

Galvanic Monitoring of Ozone in Air

Daniel Swern and L. S. Silbert

Paul Hersch and Rudolf Deuringer

Cathodic Action of the Uranyl-Lactate Complex at the Dropping Mercury Electrode

Flame Spectrophotometry of Calcium with "Reversed" Oxyacetylene Flame

Tsai-Teh Lai

H. F. Loken, J. S. Teal, and Eugene Eisenberg

Flame Photometric Determination of Potassium in Unashed Plant Leaves

Analysis of Pesticide Residues Using Microcoulometric Temperature Programmed Gas Chromatography

J. L. Mason

W. A. Bosin

Controlled-Potential Coulometric Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide

An Oxygen Flask Method for the Assay of Tritium-, Carbon-14-, and Sulfur-35-Labeled Compounds

J. E. Harrar

H. E. Dobbs

Statistical Aspects of Liquid Scintillation Counting by Internal Standard Technique. Single Isotope

Gas Chromatography of Organic Peroxides S. W . Bukata, L. L. Zabrocki, and M. F. McLaughlin

R. J. Herberg

Indirect Polarographic Determination of Acids

Volumetric and Spectrophotometric Determination Oxamide in Nitrocellulose-Base Propellants

J. C. Abbott and J. W . Collât

J. B. Apatoff, Joseph Cohen, and George Norwitz


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