Future Research in Hydrocarbons - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

become a multi-billion dollar business with industry alone spending over half a billion ... Together these programs utilize the labor of about 400...
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Future Research in Hydrocarbons MONBOE



SCIENTIFIC research and development in the United States has become a multibillion dollar business with industry alone spending over half a billion dollars this year and the Government, perhaps twice that amount. Together these programs utilize the labor of about 400,000 persons, or nearly 1% of the nation's manpower. Research devoted t o hydrocarbons and their chemistry consumes over $50,000,000 a year and employs about 10,000 persons. Hydrocarbons consumed in the United States come substantially from petroleum and natural gas. These two sources contributed 800,000,000,000 lb. last year. Coal tar adds roughly 1% to this figure. Over 90% of this great bulk of hydrocarbons is used as a source of heat and light. It is interesting that the same liquid mixture which supplies a large fraction of the nation's fuel should also be the one which lubricates i t s fuel-consuming machines. T o lubricants go 2 % of all hydrocarbons, the second largest item of consumption. In addition t o these more classical uses, a chemical industry has grown around hydrocarbons. Practically unused as a source of synthetic organic chemicals in 1925, only 20 years later they were the origin of nearly 50% of the total synthetic organic chemicals produced in the United States. Even at this level less than 1% of our hydrocarbon supply was consumed in chemical syntheses. With such an indispensable and wellestablished position, what can be the purpose and the goals for an annual research investment of over $50,000,000? I propose five reasons for the research and development programs in this industry.

Shell Development Co., 50 West 50th St., New York, N. Y. hydrocarbons. Two commercial installations are already planned for this country, but together they will produce less than one third of 1% of the nation's hydrocarbon consumption. Looking to the day when petroleum and natural gas together will be unable to supply our needs, the coal reserve comes into greater prominence. Germany utilized coal hydrogenation as the basis of its wartime fuel supply. We believe today that the cheapest way of producing liquid hydrocarbons from coal will be via a water gas reaction and subsequent synthesis by the Fischer-Tropsch methods. Direct hydrogenation of solids is receiving research attention and is not yet to be counted out of competition, but at this time the Fischer-Tropsch route is the brightest hope for the conversion of coal. 2 . To improve existing processes. The improvement of the various physical and chemical proceses common to the hydrocarbon industry is perhaps more in mind today than normally, since during the war it was necessary to put into commercial practice many operations which had not gone through the usual extensive small-scale development. Many of these wartime installations were in connection writh the aviation gasoline program. Nearly $1,000,000,000 was spent in refineries on that program, and the utilization of the new equipment at an optimum level of peacetime performance is an important problem for development. Because of the chemical complexity of the mixtures with which this industry normally works, most of the proc-

1. To develop and maintain a supply of raw material. The greatest concern of the hydrocarbon industry today is its future supply of raw material. Proved reserves of petroleum in t h e United States are equivalent to less than 15 years' supply at the present rate of consumption. While additional oil will undoubtedly be found t o extend this supply, research is now actively directed to t h e production of liquid hydrocarbons from other sources. Next to petroleum itself natural gas is perhaps the most attractive source of additional liquids in the United States. Gas reserves nearly equal in weight t h e proved petroleum reserves. Conversion of methane t o liquids is already nearing commercial practice via the Fischer-Tropsch type of reaction in which methane is burned with oxygen to carbon monoxide and hydrogen, and these gases are reacted catalytically to yield liquid



esses employed are lacking in specificity. For example, essentially all operations carried out at elevated temperatures are accompanied by a multiplicity of decomposition reactions many of which are undesired. 3. To improve and find new uses for existing products. With. a return to a peacetime economy, new and more stringent demands are made upon the supplier of fuels and lubricants. Under development are new uses and applications for such well known products as waxes and asphalts; new outlets for the pure aromatics produced synthetically in large quantities during the war; and new markets for naphthenes which have become available in connection with the synthetic toluene process. 4. To develop new processes. Among new- processes, improved separation techniques would be of enormous utility. Despite the great amount of attention that has been given this subject only the simplest separations can be made. When we pass beyond the range of about eight carbon atoms the only practical method of obtaining a pure compound is by a synthesis* from lower molecular weight components. A process t o transform polynuclear aromatics into low-boiling liquids without resorting t o such a severe and costly decomposition as high-pressure hydrogenation would solve what is perhaps the refiners' greatest remaining need. 5. To develop new products. Although one prominent petroleum company markets over 1,000 products, the opportunities for new products are nevertheless almost unlimited. One of the most glamorous fields of possibility is the production of new chemicals. It is certain that new compounds will appear at an increasing rate from the hydrocarbon industry. There is no evidence today that in the foreseeable future hydrocarbons will decrease in their utility to man. Atomic energy is frequently viewed as a forthcoming competitor. It is calculated that power generated b y nuclear fission under today's economics is from a cost standpoint roughly competitive with power from coal. It is pointed out, however, that in the first uses it is likely to be complementary to, rather than competitive with, other fuels. The research'that is devoted today t o science is simultaneously the world's greatest hope and its greatest fear. Only by directing this effort into the most constructive channels can we hope to aid in the quest for peace and plenty.