Galileo Electro-Optics Corp. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 31, 2012 - Galileo Electro-Optics Corp. Anal. Chem. , 1977, 49 (2), pp 160A–160A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50010a740. Publication Date: February 1977...
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PROGRAM 10:40 Computer System for Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Instrumentation. J. Zynger, E. Rickard, D. Woolf, Indianapolis 11:00 Vapor-Pressure D e t e r m i n a tion of Several Aryl Phosphorus Compounds, 4-Methyloxazole-5carboxamide, and 3-Amino-5methylisoxazole by DSC. V. S. Venturella, P. H. DePaolo, Hoffmann-La Roche 11:20 Vapor P r e s s u r e of 3,3,4,4Tetrachlorotetrahydrothiophene 1,1-dioxide by Effusion Method. R. S. Depablo, Diamond Shamrock Corp. 11:40 M e a s u r e m e n t of Vapor Pressure by Thermal Analysis Techniques. P. S. Gill, R. L. Blaine, Du Pont

FluorescenceLuminescence Friday Morning, Ball Room R. A. Friedel, Presiding 9:00 C o r r e c t e d Fluorescence Spectra Utilizing N e w Concept in

Instrumentation. D. A. Terhaar, T. J. Porro, Perkin-Elmer 9:20 O n - L i n e A b s o l u t e Spectrofluorimeter. L. R. Zoeller, D. C. Harrington, Eastman Kodak Co. 9:40 Simple, N o n l i n e a r Calibration Algoritbms for Luminescence Spectrometry. E. M. Heithmar, F. W. Plankey, U of Pittsburgh 10:00 " P s e u d o - S h o l ' S k i i " Lumin e s c e n c e Spectra of Aromatic Hydrocarbons via Matrix Isolation. P. T. Tokousbalides, E. L. Wehry, G. Mamantov, U of Tennessee 10:40 U s e of Microcomputer for Obtaining Differential Fluoresc e n c e Spectra. D. A. Terhaar, T. J. Porro, Perkin-Elmer 11:00 Analytical Utility of N a n o second Fluorimetry. G. R. Haugen, Lawrence Livermore Lab; F. E. Lytle, Purdue U 11:20 P i c o s e c o n d Fluorescence Streak Camera Spectroscopy. W. Yu, F. Pellegrino, R. R. Alfano, City College of New York; R. Eno, Hamamatsu Corp. 11:40 Photodecomposition of Quinine Sulfate. J. U. White, White Development Corp.

Liquid Chromatography— Instrumentation Friday Morning, Little Theater L. O'Connor, Presiding 9:00 Varigrad and Similar Apparatus in Gradient Liquid Chromatography. Systematic Computational Approach. A. S. Said, Arab Development Institute, Libya 9:20 A u t o m a t i c Sampler for High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. P . Y. Howard, D. M. Ball, Micromeritics Inst. Corp. 9:40 N e w Constant Back-Pressure Valve for U s e in Liquid Chromatography. P. Y. Achener, S. R. Abbott, J. R. Berg, Varian Instrument Division, J. Heimer, Palo Alto 10:00 Trace Analysis by Micro Size H i g h - P r e s s u r e Liquid Chromatography. D. Ishii, Nagoya U, Japan; K. Mochizuki, Y. Mochida, J a p a n Spectroscopic Co., Ltd., J a p a n 10:20 N e w Pumping for H i g h - P e r formance Liquid Chromatography. S. Mori, Mie U, Japan; K. Mochizuki, M. Watanabe, M. Saito, J a p a n Spectroscopic Co., Ltd., Japan

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