Aug 1, 1974 - GALLARD-SCHLESINGER CHEMICAL MFG. CORP. Anal. Chem. , 1974, 46 (10), pp 258LG–258LG. DOI: 10.1021/ac60346a815. Publication ...
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STANDARDS TEMPERATURE I N D I C A T I N G MARKERS radiochemical AIRCO Industrial Gases American Radiochemical Corp. Amersham/Searle Corp. Applied Science Labs., Inc. Beckman Instruments, Inc. Eberline Instrument Corp. ICN Isotope & Nuclear Div. ICN Life Sciences Group Interex Corp. Isolab, Inc. LaPine Scientific Co. Malltnckrodt/Nuclear New England Nuclear Nuclear Equipment Chemical Corp. Nuclear Medical Systems, Inc. Nuclear Sources & Services. Inc. Packard Instrument Co., Inc. Schwarz/Mann




Allied Chemical Corp. Anachemia Chemicals, Inc. Angstrom, Inc. Applied Science Labs., Inc. J. T. Baker Chemical Co. Brammer Standard Co. City Chemical Corp. Coleman Instruments Conostan Div. F & J Scientific Fisher Scientific Co. Instrumentation Laboratory Inc. Jarrell-Ash Div. LaPine Scientific Co.

Materials Research Corp. National Spectrographs Laboratories, Inc. PCR, Inc. Phillips Petroleum Co. Phipps& Bird, Inc. Spex Industries. Inc. Stewart Laboratories, Inc. Technicon Chemicals & Supplies United Mineral & Chemical Corp. VAR-LAC-OID Chemical Co. Ventron Corp., Alfa Products steroids Analabs, Inc. Applied Science Labs., Inc. Chem Service, Inc. Grand Island Biological Co. Nuclear Medical Systems. Inc. Packard Instrument Co., Inc. Pfaltz & Bauer, Inc. Pierce Chemical Co. Schwarz/Mann thermometry James G. Biddle Co. Carlo ErbaS.p.A. Fisher Scientific Co.


water analysis Allied Chemical Corp. Analabs, Inc. J. T. Baker Chemical Co. Beckman Instruments. Inc. Corning Scientific Instruments Cudahy Labs. Delta Scientific Corp. Carlo ErbaS.p.A. Fisher Scientific Co. Hach Chemical Co. Harleco Hellige, Inc. Kent Cambridge Instrument Co. LaMotte Chemical Products Co. LaPine Scientific Co. Millipore Corp. Milton Roy Co. Nuclear Medical Systems, Inc. Omega Chemical Corp. Phase Separations Ltd. Phipps & Bird, Inc. Precision Gas Products, Inc. Princeton Aqua Science Pro-Tech, Inc. Rankin Reagent Co. Royco Instruments, Inc. Scientific Products Technicon Chemicals & Supplies Varian Instrument Div. Vulcan Laboratories, Inc. Watcon, Inc.


Alltech Associates, Inc. Analabs, Inc. Analytical Instrument Development, Inc. Applied Science Labs., Inc. J. T. Baker Chemical Co. Eastman Kodak Co.. Eastman Organic Chemicals Lâchai Chemicals, Inc. LaPine Scientific Co. Ohio Valley Specialty Chemical Co. Packard Instrument Co., Inc. Perkin-Elmer, Ltd. Phase Separations Ltd. Pierce Chemical Co. PolyScience Corp. Regis Chemical Co, The Separations Group Silar Labs., Inc. Supelco, Inc. Varian Instrument Div. Waters Associates Inc.

TEMPERATURE INDICATING MARKERS Allied Chemical Corp. W. H. Brady Co. Carlo ErbaS.p.A. Markson Science, Inc. Phipps & Bird, Inc. Pressure Chemical Co. Scientific Products • United Mineral & Chemical Corp.



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LG A U G U S T 1974