GANTREZ - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - Publication Date: October 14, 1968. Copyright © 1968 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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:tfiV 11 ;] *M ΛI new multipurpose polymer and resin modifier

Adhesion promoter, plasticizer, tackif ier, latex heat sensitizer, wetting assistant... Also effective as a coupling agent, protective colloid, pigment binder, demulsifier, anticrocking agent, dye receptive agent, suspension stabilizer. The physical properties of Gantrez M (polyvinyl methyl e t h e r - PVM) are unique among com­ mercially available polymers. For example, it is soluble both in water and most organic solvents, including chlorinated and aromatic hydrocarbon types. And low-cost aliphatic hydrocarbons may be used as diluents for PVM solutions. Gantrez M is compatible with a wide range of polymers including acrylics, styrene-acrylate copolymers, epoxies, epoxy phenolics, polyvinyl butyral, chlorinated rubber, polyesters, alkyds, cellulosic polymers, vinyls, polyurethanes and aminoplasts. Unlike other water soluble polymers, Gantrez M is a soft, tacky, amorphous material that imparts flexibility to formulations to which it is added. Gantrez M functions as a permanent and nonmigratory plasticizer and tackifier for adhesives and coatings. A major use today is as an adhesion promoter. Since Gantrez M is soluble in water and com­ patible with organic solvent soluble polymers, it is able to help these polymers wet out the layer of adsorbed moisture which is believed to exist on all surfaces-including plastics and metals. And surprisingly, its use in adhesives, paints, printing inks and coatings will not usually detract from the water resistance properties of the system. Although Gantrez M is soluble in water, its Distribution or Partition Coefficient strongly favors organic ma­ terials. It actually resists leaching by water from organic soluble polymer systems. In some cases, the water resistance has actually been improved. Andthehygroscopicity of Gantrez M is l o w - a t 93% humidity the percent of moisture picked up at equilibrium is only 5%. Typical substrates to which Gantrez M will adhere include various metals, polyesters, cellulosics, nylons, vinyls, polystyrene acrylics and polyolefins. Major uses include acrylic copolymer pressure


(polyvinyl methyl ether)

sensitive adhesives (improves tack and adhesion), epoxy-based adhesives and coatings (improves metal adhesion), and chlorinated rubber, coatings (plasticizes and improves adhesion). Another interesting property of Gantrez M is its negative Solubility Coefficient. Water solutions have an inverse cloud point of about 90°F. This should prove Gantrez M useful as a thermogelling agent or heat sensitizer for latex compounds. This thermogelation property can be used to advantage in coatings to minimize penetration into ab­ sorbent surfaces, in the saturation of fibrous materials and in non-woven binder systems to minimize migration during drying. Gantrez M is currently available in the following grades: M-154




Mol. Wt.












% Solids







All are stable, uniform and light in color. "Gantrez M-556 is a new, higher molecular weight polymer.

more fine products from GAF Corporation (Formerly General Aniline & Film Corporation) 140 West 51 Street, New York, N.Y. 10020 Commercial Development Dept. CEN1014 Please send me 26-page technical brochure D and sample of GANTREZ^ M-154D M-155D M-574 D M-555 D M-556D. Intended application:


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