Gas chromatographic determination of benzene and toluene in crude

Chem., 57, 1272. (1974) . (9) J. K. Gaunt and W. C. Evans,Biochem. J., 122, 519 (1971). (10) T. I. Steenson and M. Walker, J. Gen. Microbiol., 16, 146...
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LITERATURE CITED ( I ) W. H. Gutenmann and D. J. Lisk, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem.. 47, 353

(1964). (2) A. S. Y. Chau and K. Terry, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 58. 1294 (1975). (3) H. Agemian and A. S. Y. Chau, Analyst (London), 101, 732 (1976). (4) W. H. Gutenmann and D. J. Lisk, J . Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 46, 859 (1963). (5) C. A. Bache, D. J. Lisk, and M. A. Loos. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 47, 348 (1964). (6) F. K. Kawahara, Anal. Chem., 40, 1009 (1968). (7) F. K. Kawahara, Envlron. Sci. Technoi., 5 , 235 (1971). (8) J. Coburn and A. S. Y. Chau, J. ASSOC.Off. Anal. Chem., 5 7 , 1272 (1974). (9) J. K. Gaunt and W. C. Evans, Biochem. J., 122, 519 (1971). (10) T. I. Steenson and M. Walker, J. Gen. Microbiol., 16, 146 (1957). (11) J. M. Bollag, C. S. Helling, and M. Alexander, Appl. Microbiol., 15, 1393 (1967). (12) J. K. Gaunt, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wales, Bangor, 1962. (13) J. K. Gaunt and W. C. Evans, Biochem. J., 122, 533 (1971). (14) M. A. Loos, J. M. Bollag, and M. Alexander, J. Agric. Food Chem., 15, 858 (1967). (15) L.Rashen, M. L. Hattuh, and A. U. Arstih, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicoi., 18, 565 (1977). (16) K. Tiittanen and H. Blomqvist. Kern.-Kemi, 3, 424 (1976). (17) M. R. Gurd, G. L. M. Harmer, and B. Lessei, Food Cosmet. Toxicol., 3, 883 (1965). (18) H. G. Verschuuren. R. Kroes, and E. M. Den Tonkelaar, Toxicol.. 3, 349 (1975).

(19) V. Mattinen. H. Siltanen, and A. L. VaRa, "Investigations of the Pesticide Residues", State Institute of Agricultural Chemistry, No. 7, Helsinki, 1972, p 40. (20) M. A. Sattar, M. L. Hattuh, M. Lahtipera, and J. Paasivirta, Chemosphwe, 11, 747 (1977). (21) C. S. Piper, "Soil and Phnt Analysis", Adehide University Press, Adelaide, Australia, 1950. (22) D. F. Ball, J. Soil Sci., 15, 84 (1964). (23) M. L. Jackson, "Soil Chemical Analysis", hentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1962. (24) A. Walkey and I.A. Black, Soil Scl., 37, 29 (1934). (25) J. A. Prescott, J. K. Tayor, andT. J. Marshall, Trans. 1st. Comm. Inst. SOC. Soil Sci. Versallles, 143 (1934). (26) G. Yip, J. Chromarogr. Scl., 13, 225 (1975). (27) R. P. Upchurch and D. D. Mason, Weeds, IO, 9 (1962).

RECEIVED for review October 10, 1978. Accepted January 15, 1979. This work has been supported by the Department of International Developement Co'operation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland, and by Kemira Company, Finland. The results have been presented by M.A.S. in an oral communication at the EUROANALYSIS I11 congress in Dublin, Ireland, Aug. 19-25, 1978.

Gas Chromatographic Determination of Benzene and Toluene in Crude Oils Patrick L. Grizzle" and Harold J. Coleman

U.S. Department of Energy, Bartlesville Energy Technology Center, P.0. Box

A gas chromatographic method for the determination of benzene and toluene In crude oils has been developed and utilized In the analysis of 102 crude-oil samples. The method, which is readily adaptable to most chromatographs, uses a simple backflushing technique with nonpolar (OV-1) and polar ( 1,2,3-tris( 2-cyanoe1hoxy)propane) columns in series. Repeatability and accuracy of the method are better than f 2 % and f4% of the measured values for benzene or toluene. The Importance of such data for the identification of crude oils from a common geological origln is demonstrated. For predictive purposes, correlations of benzene and toluene weight percents with routinely measured physical properties of crude oils have been developed. Reasonable estimates of benzene and toluene concentrations can be obtained from these correlatlons.

Recent federal environmental regulations have prompted the determination of known or possible carcinogenic compounds in many commercial products. Of these compounds, benzene has probably received the greatest attention. Occupational exposure to benzene from industrial and laboratory environments as well as exposure from commercial petroleum products such as gasoline and from crude oils is currently being carefully monitored and controlled. Although benzene levels in crude oils, gasoline, and other petroleum-based products have been periodically measured for many years, rapid and accurate methods of analysis are now of major importance. In addition to tedious physical separation methods ( I ) , benzene contents in crude oils and gasolines have been determined by various analytical methods. These include in-

1398, Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74003

frared ( 2 , 3 ) , Raman ( 4 ) , and ultraviolet spectroscopy ( 5 ) , polarography (6), and gas chromatography (7-11). Of these methods, gas chromatography provides both a rapid and reliable quantification of benzene. For gasoline, standard gas chromatographic methods (ASTM D 2267 and D 3606) have been established (7, 11). Although ASTM D 2267 has an upper temperature limit of 300 O F , this limit has been extended (8). Alternatively, ASTM D 3606 is directly applicable to the determination of benzene in motor and aviation gasolines. However, no standard method for the determination of benzene in crude oils has been established. This paper presents a rapid and reliable gas chromatographic method for the determination of benzene and toluene in crude oils and other fossil fuels. The method can be easily adapted to any gas chromatograph with flame ionization detection capabilities. The method was developed concurrently with ASTM D 3606 and the data were obtained prior to acceptance of D 3606. Although, in principle, D 3606 should be applicable to the analysis of petroleum products other than gasoline, the presented method can be viewed as an extension of this standard method to allow for analysis of a wider range of petroleum products. In addition, this investigation both correlates the benzene and toluene data obtained on 102 samples with routinely measured physical properties of crude oils for predictive purposes and demonstrates the importance of such data to the identification of crude oils from a common geological origin.

EXPERIMENTAL Apparatus. A Hewlett-Packard model 5830A gas chroma-

tograph equipped with a heated injector block, dual flameionization detectors, and a temperature programmer was used.

This article not subject to U S . Copyright. Published 1979 by the American Chemical Society
























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T I M E , minuter


Oven boundary

L -- _I__l_-J Figure 1. Block diagram of gas chromatograph

Chromatograms were obtained using a Hewlett-Packard model 18850A recorder-integrator. Minor modifications made to the chromatograph for backflushing are depicted in Figure 1. Although the modified configuration is similar to those described in "heart-cutting" (12) and in situ fractionation (131,the present method does not use a continuously maintained junction pressure principle as in these references. Toggle valves, VI and Vz, were connected to two sources of flow-controlled carrier gas. A septum swinger (Perkin-Elmer Co., Norwalk, Conn.) was used as a third valve or vent. As depicted in Figure 1, nonpolar and polar columns were in. connected in series. The nonpolar column was 5 f t X stainless steel packed with 3% w/w OV-1 on 80-100 mesh Chromsorb G (AW). The polar column was 10 f t X in. stainless steel packed with 10% 1,2,3-tris(2-cyanoethoxy)propane(TCEP) on 80-100 mesh Chromsorb W (AW) (Alltech Associates, Inc., Arlington Heights, Ill.). Reagents. Benzene and toluene were obtained from Fisher Scientific Co. (Fair Lawn, N.J.) and used as received. 1Bromo-3-methylbutane (98%) was obtained from Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc. (Milwaukee, Wis.) and distilled prior to use. The OV-1 liquid phase in the nonpolar column was used as obtained from Applied Science Laboratories, Inc. (State College, Pa.). Chromatographic Conditions a n d Procedure. A known amount (ca. 0.020g) of 1-bromo-3-methylbutane was added to a weighed quantity of crude oil (ca. 1.0 9). The mixture was mixed thoroughly and approximately 0.4 WLcharged to the chromatograph. The chromatographic oven was held at 50 "C for 13 min and temperature programmed to 80 "C at 5 OC/min. At injection, valve V1was open with a He flow of 25 cm3/min and V2 was closed. Following the elution of the internal standard 1-bromo-3methylbutane from OV-1 column, both valve V, and the septum swinger with the septum removed were opened and V1 was closed. Thus, the light ends were eluted to the TCEP column and the heavy ends backflushed through the septum swinger. A He flow rate of 90 cm3/min at V2 maintained a flow of 25 cm3/min at the detector. Experimentally, the time for the valve switch was determined to be 7.5 min. The injector and detector temperatures were maintained at 300 and 350 "C, respectively. Hydrogen and air flow rates to the FID were 25 and 275 cm3/min, respectively. Each crude-oil mixture was analyzed in duplicate and the relative peak areas of the benzene, toluene, and internal standard were obtained via the integrator.

Figure 2. Typical chromatogram obtained for determination of benzene and toluene in crude oils

Calibration Procedure. Weighed quantities of benzene, toluene, and 1-bromo-3-methylbutane were dissolved in hexane and analyzed as previously described. In addition, the mixture was analyzed without switching the valves. Agreement in the FID response factors for the internal standard relative to both benzene and toluene obtained by the two modes of analysis was used to indicate elution of the 1-bromo-3-methylbutanefrom the OV-1 column prior to backflushing and, thus, to establish the delay time for valve switching. To determine the linearity of the relative FID response factors, mixtures over the concentration range of benzene expected in the crude oils were prepared and each mixture was analyzed in triplicate.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Internal Standard. For analysis of complex mixtures such as petroleum or petroleum fractions, two criteria for selection of a suitable standard were considered. First, the standard should not be found in the mixture to be analyzed and, second, it should have a retention time different from those of the other components in the mixture. Although a standard with a high level of purity is usually desired, a standard with small amounts of impurity can be used as long as the retention times of the impurities do not interfere with the analysis. 1Bromo-3-methylbutane satisfies these criteria. Figure 2 shows a typical chromatogram of a crude oil analysis. Although, 1-bromo-3-methylbutane exits the OV-1 column after toluene, the order of elution is inverted in the TCEP column and the internal standard is completely resolved. Assuming unit relative FID responses for the 1-bromo3-methylbutane and the impurities in the standard samples, the former compound accounts for 99.2 f 0.05% of the total sample. It should be noted that this value is a lower estimate of the purity of the standard as follows. Since the impurities were determined to be alkenes, the FID response of 1bromo-3-methylbutane is approximately 0.4 relative to the impurities. Thus, the purity of the standard is actually significantly higher than 99.2%. The alkene impurities were determined not to interfere with the analyses. FID response factors for the internal standard relative to both benzene and toluene were determined periodically throughout the total study. For each mixture of benzene, toluene, and 1-bromo-3-methylbutane in hexane, response factors for the standard relative t o benzene and relative to toluene (Si) were obtained from Equation 1

where A, and A iare the relative area percents for the standard and either benzene or toluene and g, and giare the weights of the standard and either benzene or toluene in the mixture. To ascertain the linearity of the relative response factor, the quantities of benzene and toluene were varied to conform to



Table I. Weight Percents of Benzene and Toluene in Crude Oils Analyzed wt geological age Cretaceous



sample 68169 69111 77056 77063 77066 48-78 54-78 65-78 38-7 8 49-78 30-7 8 37-78 53-78 52-78 5 6-7 8 105-78 75062 75063 75064 75066 75067 75068 75071 75072 62-78 77-78 91-78 104-78 108-78 114-78


77022 77027 78001 78002 78003 78004 78005 78006 78007 78008 78009 78010 78013 78014 35-78 50-78


70113 77058 77068 25-78 70-78 7 6-7 8 78-78 82-78 83-78 89-78 98-78 107-78 110-78


77019 77036


77035 78015 78016 78017 23-78 57-78 59-78 61-78 112-78

state or country Wyoming Kuwait Texas Wyoming Utah Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Louisiana Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Texas Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana Texas Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas Alabama Alabama Alabama A1abam a Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Utah Utah Texas Texas Iran Louisiana Louisiana Texas Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana Indiana Illinois California Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas

producing formation Muddy, Dakota Minagish Woodbine Sussex Dakota Woodbine Woodbine Woodbine Paluxy Paluxy Glen Rose Glen Rose Glen Rose Rodessa Rodessa Rod e ssa Traverse Traverse Traverse Traverse Traverse Traverse Traverse Traverse Schult Wilcox Wilcox Wilcox Wilcox, A-1 I-B, Cockfield Smac kover Smackover Smackover B Smackover A,B Smackover Smackover Smackover Smackover S mac kover Smackover Smackover Smackover Nugget Twin Creek Smackover Smackover Asmari NQA-6,NNA-3 Mio-12-B



toluene/ benzene

0.237 0.077 0.088 0.194 0.029 0.008

1.061 0.490 0.414 1.252 0.306 0.014

4.48 6.36 4.70 6.45 10.55 1.75

N D ~



0.095 0.006

0.421 0.011

4.43 1.83 1.25 0.07 0.84 1.65 1.oo 0.51 0.41



0.015 0.245 0.279 0.406 0.667 0.707

0.001 0.207 0.459 0.406 0.340 0.289


0.027 0.122 0.023 0.042


ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.151 0.415 0.087

Petre K so LClB Hag Waltersburg Benoist Lower Brown, Frio Seabreeze FBII-9 Frio, V Frio FrioC

ND ND 0.049 0.059

... 3.21

... ... ... ... ... *..

7.09 3.90 6.36


1.071 1.620 0.553 0.091 0.003 0.501

0.541 0.576 0.636 0.556 0.098 0.111 0.116 0.146 0.114 0.196 0.089 0.139 0.259 0.251 0.180 0.644

0.484 0.936 1.393 1.609 0.695 0.791 0.778 1.197 0.918 1.015 0.641 1.070 1.032 1.035 0.966 5.223

0.89 1.63 2.19 2.89 7.09 7.13 6.70 8.20 8.05 5.18 7.20 7.70 3.98 4.12 5.37 8.11

0.116 0.133 0.228

0.486 0.319 0.921

4.19 2.40 4.04




0.098 0.055

0.487 0.074 0.218 0.484 0.052 0.795 0.009 0.479 0.260

0.143 0.221

0.239 0.362

1.67 1.64

0.104 0.171 0.204 0.130 0.189 0.154 0.018 0.003

0.327 0.441 0.456 0.290 0.743 0.363 0.157 0.026

3.14 2.58 2.24 2.23 3.93 2.36 8.72 8.67




ND 9F, R F


0.052 0.084 0.002 0.207





... 3.45 ...

4.19 5.76 26.00 3.84


4.89 4.73



Table I. ( C o n t i n u e d ) geological age

sample 116-78 77048 Ordo vi ci an Paleocene 7 607 4 75046 Pennsylvanian 77060 77021 77054 77055 Permian 71011 77044 77045 77046 77047 77049 77050 77051 77052 77070 Pleistocene 77075 77057 Pliocene 75049 Silurian 75050 75052 75059 75060 75065 75069 71052 unknown 77039 77059 77073 77074 Average of two determinations.


wt %" producing state or benzene for mat ion country Frio A-2, A-3 ND Texas 0.071 McKee New Mexico 0.308 North Sea 0.417 North Sea 0.088 Burbank Oklahoma 0.01 1 Deese Oklahoma 0.054 Winger Texas 0.039 Bruhlmeyer Texas 0.262 Sadlerochit Alaska 0.002 Grayburg New Mexico 0.203 Tubb. Clear Fork New Mexico 0.189 Blinebr y New Mexico 0.360 Bline bry New Mexico 0.095 Yates New Mexico 0.209 Gray burg New Mexico ND Yates, Seven River New Mexico 0.387 Blinebry New Mexico 0.245 0, Reservoir A Louisiana 0.229 N Louisiana 0.028 Louisiana 0.412 Niagaran Michigan 0.367 Niagaran Michigan 0.176 Salina A-1 Michigan 0.564 Niagaran Michigan 0.280 Niagaran Michigan 0.027 Salina Michigan 0.077 Salina Michigan 0.012 California 0.082 Mexico 0.072 Pennsylvania 0.039 Louisiana 0.131 Louisiana ND = not detected: detection limit = 10 m m .

the limits expected to be found in the crude oils. Within experimental error, the response factors were independent of concentration over this range (0.005 to 1.0% by weight). Over the course of these analyses (ca. 9 months), the response factors for the standard relative to benzene and to toluene varied from 0.425 i 0.005 to 0.437 f 0.006 and from 0.420 f 0.004 to 0.430 f 0.005, respectively. I t should be noted that these variations in the average relative response factors are within experimental uncertainty. Also, since the FID is a gram-carbon detector, these values are in excellent agreement with those expected theoretically. Theoretical responses based upon the weight percents of carbon in the standard, benzene, and toluene are 0.430 and 0.435 for the standard relative to benzene and toluene, respectively. The weight percents ( W T %J of benzene and toluene in each crude oil analyzed were determined by Equation 2

where Si is the response factor for the standard relative to either benzene or toluene, Ai and A , are the relative area percents for either benzene or toluene and the standard, and g, and g, are the weights of standard and the crude-oil sample, respectively. Benzene and Toluene Contents. For the crude oils analyzed, Table I presents geographical and geological data, the weight percents of benzene and toluene, and the ratio of toluene to benzene. For discussion (see below), the data have been grouped according to geological age of the crude oil reservoir.

toluene ND 0.271 0.888 1.183

0.193 0.126 0.204 0.278 0.682 0.125 0.689 0.661 0.981 0.538 0.748 ND 1.319 0.426 0.729 0.132 1.480 1.921 1.187 1.886 1.362 0.313 0.678 0.075 0.403 0.394 0.412 0.776

toluene/ benzene

... 3.81 2.88 2.84 2.19 11.45 3.78 7.13 2.60


3.39 3.50 2.73 5.66 3.58


3.40 1.74 3.46 4.71 3.59 5.23 6.74 3.34 4.86 11.59 8.81

6.25 4.91 5.47 10.56 5.92

Table 11. Repeatability of Determined Benzene and Toluene Weight PercentsQ wt % crude deteroil mination benzene toluene 77046 l b 0.187 t 0.003 0.658 t 0.004 2b 0.191 i 0.002 0.663 t 0.002 average 0.189 t 0.002c 0.661 5 0.003c 37-78 Id 0.244 t 0.002 0.207 5 0.002 2d 0.244 0.001 0.204 0.002 3d 0.240 t 0.003 0.202 t 0.001 4d 0.240 i 0.001 0.199 t 0.002 0.203 t 0.003 average 0.242 2 0.002 All deviations are standard unless otherwise noted. Average of four chromatographic determinations, Deviations are average. Average of three chromatographic determinations. _+


For both benzene and toluene, the method is capable of detecting quantities of 210 ppm. The detection limit could be decreased by either increasing the sample size of the crude oil or decreasing the quantity of standard added. However, for our application to a wide variety of crude oils, this detection limit is quite satisfactory. For the samples analyzed, benzene and toluene were detected in 84.3 and 93.1% of the samples, respectively. Table I1 demonstrates the excellent repeatability obtained using this method. For repetitive analyses of the same crude oil-standard mixture, the variation in the values of the benzene and toluene weight percents is less than 2% of the mean value. Similarly, the repeatability between analyses for



the same crude oil was better than f 2 % of the measured value. It should be noted that determinations 1 and 2 of sample 77046 in Table I1 were made on consecutive days, whereas the four determinations of sample 37-78 were made over the period of a month. The accuracy of the method was estimated by analyzing a crude oil sample, adding a known quantity of benzene and toluene to the crude oil, and reanalyzing the “spiked” sample. For these experiments, the percent deviation between the theoretical content of benzene or toluene and the quantity experimentally determined is less than 4%. Considering the error propagation in this estimation and the low concentrations of benzene and toluene in the crude oil samples, this uncertainty is excellent. However, a note of warning concerning the accuracy must be included. The “true” accuracy depends strongly upon the care maintained in the collection, transport, and storage of the crude-oil samples. Owing to their volatility, significant quantities of benzene and toluene may be lost through carelessness. In this study, all crude oils were obtained as “wellhead” samples, transported in sealed containers, and in most cases placed in refrigerated storage upon arrival. The presence of highly-volatile components (i.e. methane, ethane, propanes, and butanes) as determined by gas chromatography in selected samples reflects the care maintained in sample collection. For the 102 samples analyzed, the benzene and toluene contents vary from the self-imposed detection limit (ca. 10 ppm) to 0.707 and to 5.223%, respectively. The average benzene and toluene contents are 0.161 f 0.174 and 0.575 f 0.658, respectively. Both the large quantities of benzene and toluene in many of these crude oils and the large variatic n in these data for this population of crude oils should be note I . Although this study originated in reply to numerous requests concerning the levels of benzene and toluene in crude oils, the resultant data have presented some other intriguing questions and/or possibilities. For example, this laboratory has been involved for several years in the area of oil identification. This effort has been applicable to oil-spill identification, geochemical exploration, and differential pricing criteria for “old” and “new” oil. The application of benzene and toluene determinations to these areas has, therefore, been a natural extension of our fundamental research program. The origin of benzene and toluene in crude oils is still open to debate. Several possible precursors include (a) conjugated olefins such as squalene, the carotenes, and xanthophylls, (b) terpenes, and (c) highly unsaturated fatty acids (14). Thermal degradation of @-carotenehas been shown to yield ionene (15), toluene, m-xylene and 2,6-dimethylnaphthalene (16). Additional treatment of water-wet marine muds resulted in the formation of benzene, toluene, and xylenes (16). However, the quantities of carotenoid pigments in the mud slurries were not sufficient to produce the quantities of low-molecular weight aromatics found. Thus, other materials must also be a source of benzene. Alternatively, dehydrogenation of cycloalkanes by elemental sulfur can yield aromatic compounds a t low temperatures (17, 18). Reaction of cholesterol with elemental sulfur at 150 “C has been shown to yield one-, two-, and three-ring aromatic homologues (19). Presently, this study can neither substantiate nor refute the possibility of any of these compounds or reactions as precursors to benzene. Additional characterization of the individual oils may, however, provide important information relating to the origin of low-molecular weight aromatic compounds. The quantitative variability of low-boiling materials in crude oils has been noted by various authors, and attempts to explain these variations with the origin of crude oil have been proposed. Certainly, the quantity of low-boiling material in crude oils has been shown to be directly related to the age and depth

of burial of the oil (20). With increasing age and burial depth, the quantities of low-boiling materials increase. This observation can be attributed to various maturation processes. However, the concentrations of benzene and toluene (see Table I) do not appear to be maturation-dependent. If the age of the producing reservoir can be considered to reflect the age of the crude oil, the data suggest that the concentrations of these compounds are independent of geological age. This observation would imply that benzene and toluene are formed during early diagenesis and that the concentrations reflect both the types and quantities of organic matter in the source rock (see above discussion). Although additional analytical data are needed to verify the relative degrees of maturation for this set of oils, the importance of this observation should be noted. Alternatively, another theory on the origin of crude oil maintains that oil consists of hydrocarbons that collected from waters containing natural solubilizers (21). Thus, the quantity of a given hydrocarbon in crude oil depends upon the solubility of the component in water and its solubility in naturally occurring soap micelles in the water. The ratio of toluene to benzene has been given as evidence supporting this hypothesis. Typically this ratio varies from approximately 4 to 5 with a range of between 2 to 11 (17,21). For the 102 samples analyzed, the average ratio of toluene to benzene was 4.78 f 3.49 with a range from 0.41 to 11.59 (samples 83-78 and 30-78 have been excluded owing to the small amounts of benzene and toluene, respectively). Although the upper limit for the ratio is consistent with the solubility theory, ratio values less than unity cannot be explained easily via the solubility hypothesis. Thus, samples 37-78, 52-78, 56-78, and 105-78 from the Cretaceous age and sample 77022 from the Jurassic age are 51.0and their origin cannot be explained satisfactorily. The data in Table I, however, do indicate a possible trend which is important for the identification of oils from a common source. Such capabilities are important both for geochemical exploration and differential crude oil pricing. Recent infrared spectroscopic (22) and n-paraffin distribution (23) studies have indicated that the Michigan samples from the Devonian and Silurian age originate from two different source rocks. This same conclusion can be obtained from the benzene and toluene concentration data. Except for samples 75063 and 75065, the Silurian oils can be differentiated from the Devonian crude oil samples. Similar trends are also apparent for other groups of related crude oil samples. For example, the four Jurassic crude oils from Arkansas which represent three different producing fields appear to be from a common origin. The two Jurassic crude oils from the same producing field of Utah but different producing formations appear to be from a common source rock. For these two samples, carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen stable isotope ratio measurement data have supported this conclusion. However, for other samples, the data are not as indicative of origin. The eight Permian New Mexico crude oils were obtained from the same county. The benzene data presented would suggest at least three different crude cil sources (samples 77052 and 77047; samples 77050,77046, and 77045; samples 77051 and 77044). Although not completely definitive, the combination of such data with stable isotope ratios and other analytical measurements may prove valuable for geochemical exploration and differential pricing of crude oils. It is noted, however, that these trends at present are only speculative and additional research is required to substantiate the positive relationship between common geological source and benzene content. Data Correlations for Predictive Purposes. A t this laboratory, we have established a computerized data retrieval system for routine crude-oil analyses which have been generated by the Bureau of Mines (BOM) routine method.


Table 111. Correlation Constantsa variable independent

dependent Sf wt % benzene wt % benzene Sf + toluene wt % benzene volume % aromatics 1-4 volume % aromatics 1-4 wt % benzene + toluene volume 5% aromatics 1-5 wt % benzene volume % aromatics 1-5 wt % benzene + toluene All deviations are standard deviations.



0.014 0.058

0.003 0.012

-1.756 -6.931

0.187 r 0.028 0.903 i 0.083

-0.024 -0.137

0.096 0.480

-0,022 -0.153

Presently, this data bank contains distillation data and other physical and chemical properties for approximately 7350 domestic and foreign crude oils. This compilation is one of the largest data bases of crude-oil analyses available and contains information on crude oils produced from the 1920's t o the present. Using these data, various empirical and semiempirical correlations have been developed. These include (a) an estimate of the volumes of finished products which can be obtained from each crude oil based on distillation and specific gravity data, (b) the relative degree of aromatic or paraffinic contents in each crude oil, and (c) a hydrocarbon-type analysis approximation which estimates the volumes of alkanes, cycloalkanes, and aromatic compounds as a function of distillate boiling range. Such data have proved important both t o government, industry, and university for the further development and utilization of crude oils. As an extension of this study, we have attempted to correlate the benzene and toluene data in Table I with such empirical relationships for predictive purposes. Such a predictive relationship would provide a large data base of concentration levels which could not be easily determined experimentally. One possible parameter for prediction is the specific dispersion (Sf)of the crude oil as a function of distillate boiling range. Specific dispersions are calculated by Equation 3

(3) where Sf is the specific dispersion of each distillate fraction, NgZo and NDzO are refractive indexes of each fraction a t 5461 and 5893 A, respectively (commonly referred to as the mercury g and sodium D lines), and d420is the density of the fraction at 20 "C (24). Empirically, the value of a totally alkane or cycloalkane fraction is 122.4. Values in excess of this are attributed to the amount of aromatic compounds in each fraction. Since the benzene and toluene should be found in the first four distillate fractions (50-125 "C), the average specific dispersion for these fractions should be related to the concentrations of benzene and toluene in the crude oil as a first approximation. Figure 3 presents the correlation observed between the average specific dispersion ( S f )for the first four fractions and benzene content for 67 samples. Although a trend in the data is evident, a definitive linear relationship is difficult to perceive. Slopes, Y intercepts, and associated standard deviations for this plot, and a similar plot of vs. the benzene plus toluene content as obtained via linearleast-squares regression analyses are presented in Table 111. I t is satisfying to note that the % uy in the plot SI vs. benzene plus toluene is less than that for the Sf vs. benzene plot as one would expect. Since the ratio of toluene to benzene is not a constant (see above discussion) and the combined distillate fractions considered contain both benzene and toluene, the



i i



0.015 0.041




% uy


0.411 1.554

0.139 0.525

81.9 65.5




0.124 0.366

73.0 45.7

0.033 0.092

0.124 0.351

73.0 43.8




7 I


O' I24

. . .





L -




A V E R A G E S P E C I F I C D I S a E R S ON

Figure 3. Correlation of wt. 'YObenzene in crude oils with average specific dispersion ( S , ) for 50-125 OC distillate fractions

improved latter correlation is expected. Additional reasons can be given to explain the large scatter in Figure 3. The Hempel still used in the routine BOM method contains few theoretical plates. Experimentally, small quantities of benzene and toluene can be determined in fractions boiling in excess of 125 "C. Furthermore, the BOM method leads to variations in parameters such as distillation rate and reflux ratios depending upon the analyst. Thus, some variations between crude-oil distillations do exist. However, these errors are small as compared to the failure to include the quantity of distillate in the 50-125 O C fractions. Obviously, the specific dispersion values are independent of the quantity of material (see Equation 3). Consequently, although some distillate fractions may have large S,values, the volume of these fractions as compared to the crude oil may be quite small and only a small amount of benzene or toluene would be present. Conversely, large-volume distillate fractions with small SIvalues (low aromatic content) may contain significant quantities of benzene and toluene. The error incurred in the correlation due to this neglect of fraction quantity can be corrected by several means. The hydrocarbon-type analysis which expresses the volume of each distillate fraction by alkane, cycloalkane, and aromatic compounds yields the best estimate of the aromatic volume in each fraction. A detailed derivation of this method and its utility have been presented by Smith and Hale ( 2 4 ) . Figure 4 presents a plot of the volume percent aromatic compounds in fractions 1 through 4 vs. the weight percent of benzene plus toluene. The slopes, Y intercepts, and associated uncertainties for this plot and the similar plot of weight percent benzene vs. volume percent aromatics are given in Table 111. As evident in the data, a modest improvement is realized for these correlations. Again, the improvement in the benzene plus toluene correlation relative to the benzene correlation is expected as previously discussed. Attempts to improve the reliability of this correlation using





ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors thank Sheri Brand and Janice Thomas of the Bartlesville Energy Technology Center for obtaining some of the chromatographic data reported. LITERATURE CITED

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I 2 14 volume p e r c e - 1



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Figure 4. Correlation of wt. YO benzene plus toluene in crude oils with vol. 'YO aromatic compounds in 50-125 'C distillate fractions

data for distillate fractions boiling up to 150 "C were unsuccessful (see Table 111). Although the standard deviations in the benzene and benzene plus toluene contents derived from these correlations are relatively large, the importance of such correlations for predictive purposes cannot be underestimated. Reasonable estimates can be obtained from these correlations which can yield important trend data or indicate anomalous concentrations of these compounds in certain crude oils. With a growing environmental concern toward benzene in petroleum related products, a data bank which contains approximate concentrations for representative worldwide crude oils will become increasingly more important. Also, the possible application of such data to geochemical studies has not been fully realized. Improved correlations will aid in the establishment of a data set which may be useful in such studies. Efforts to improve these correlations are continuing and are incorporating additional measured physical and chemical properties.

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RECEIVED for review October 19, 1978. Accepted January 29, 1979.