Gas Mixtures for Proportional and Geiger Counter Units - C&EN

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MATHESON Compressed Gas Notes Gas Mixtures for Proportional and Geiger Counter Units Many years of experience are behind each Matheson gas mix­ ture for radiation counters. We manufacture all of the gas mixtures used in nuclear flow counters. These gases are mixed and stocked by our three plants in the United States at East Rutherford, New Jersey; Joliet, Illinois and Newark, Califor­ nia and by Matheson of Canada, Ltd. in Whitby, Ontario. Nuclear counting gas mixtures are quality controlled for sta­ ble results and long plateaus in the Geiger region. You can be assured of the quality of these mixtures since The Matheson Company is the basic producer of all kinds of gas mixtures from carefully analyzed calibrating mixtures to mixtures used for fumigation. Because we also supply the individual com­ ponents and because of our complete familiarity with all com­ pressed gases* you can have further assurance of the quality of the component and the ultimate quality of the gas mixture itself. These gas mixtures are supplied for proportional counters: 90% Argon — 1 0 % Methane f 9 6 % Helium — 4 % Isobutane

These gas mixtures are supplied f o r use i n Geiger counters: t l . 3 % Butane — 9 8 . 7 % Helium fO.95% Isobutane — 9 9 . 0 5 % Helium

In addition to the above mixtures we can also supply any gas mixture to meet particular specifications for such instruments. Prices Complete information as to cylinder size, contents in cubic feet and regulator inlet designation as well as prices are shown in our current catalog. Send for a copy. With transportation costs a factor because of cylinder weight, you will be pleased at the economy of dealing with Matheson at our conveniently located shipping points. Equipment Our field men find that expensive Nuclear Counters are some­ times installed with inexpensive industrial regulators which are a source of trouble in the entire operation. We urge you to complement your nuclear counters with good laboratory regulators. Matheson is a source for such regulators and we particularly recommend our No. 8-350 two stage regulator. Our catalog presents extensive information on a broad range of automatic regulators. The Matheson Company supplies 86 different compressed gases. Other listings of interest to nuclear laboratories a r e : Methane, 99.0% min. purity

Phofo couriesy Nuclear-Chicago Corp.

Mail Coupon for Catalog,


The Matheson Company, Inc., P.O. Box 85-A, E. Rutherford, N . J .


Please send the following: Π Matheson Gas Catalog •

Π Cylinder Valve Outlet Bulletin

Wall Chart: "Safe Handling of Compressed Gases"

Radioactive gas mixtures (Carbon 14, Tritium and Sulfur 35 labelled compounds) Xenon, analyzed

Consult O u r Technical Staff The Matheson Company technical staff will be pleased to answer questions pertaining to gas mixtures and any related problems in this field. We urge you to contact us and take advantage of this service.











•^Manufactured under license from Nuclear-Chicago Corp. Patent No. 2,519,864

The Matheson. Company, Inc. Compressed Gases and Regulators

East Rutherford, N. J.

Joliet, 111.

Newark, Calif.

M a t h e s o n o f C a n a d a , Ltd. Whitby, Ont. C & Ε Ν 53