Gases and their behavior - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

Gases and their behavior. Joseph S. Schmuckler. J. Chem. Educ. , 1980, 57 (12), p 885. DOI: 10.1021/ed057p885. Publication Date: December 1980. Cite t...
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Editea by.

JOSEPH S. SCHMUCKLER Chairman of Science Education Temple University 345 Riner Hall Philadelohia. PA 19122


huwwoh~a:tldntatsrrrhe\"Irr.lntionshipc I I. I I . I rendcr'suf Orrr Jorrmnl cnn W P that the dtv, I, 1.11.. I t i$ 1 I in the teaching oichemisrrv i s m ever on ~ O I I I * L)I..VC;S

Gases and Their Behavior "Hypodermic Syringes in Quantitative Eltmentarv Chemistry ExperimenL~.Pnrt 1,I'he G a s I.nws." Derek A. 1)avenp~nt. J. C I I E M . EDl'C.. 39,15l, 252-255 (IYFi9. I l p m r~viewinythe earlier literature ior artielrs r~lntedtu gases and rhrir Iwhavior, it appears th-1 feu $parked 0s much aclivity as did Dnvenvort'i wriner - p .m-e r The c o w ol the J ('bent. Ell. iswe in which this work appeared features Davenport's then two-year-old son standing next to a ring stand and syringe piled high with twelve identical textbooks, plus young Davenport Jr's hand. The article covers the use of the syringe for experiments involving Boyle'sLaw, Charles' Law, The Ideal Gas Law, Dalton's Law of Partial Pressure, Graham's Laws and Gay Lussac's Law of Combining Volumes. Donald B. Phillips [The Science Teacher, April 1976, pp 26-27] shows how to "Inflate Student Interest with Gas Law Experiments." The ideas he cites were obtained from V. R. Damerell [J. CHEM. (195511 and Davenoort's article referred to EDUC. 32 1101.53&535 .. B ~ U V PScic,ncc~Al.lrl,rllrs. . ~ e h r k q Ig:.I, pp. 3G11, h! L. I.. Kuons rhowsa vnriation 01 1)nrcnporr'i theme I . C.( : n o and .I E. Courrke 1.1. ('HEM. K1)1'(:., 48 151. :XI7 (19711,rrfrnmg to Dwenpun'sonirlp, present a good treatment of the required precautions necessary to use plastic syringes. While on the topic of syringes in the Elementary Chemistry Lah, two other articles should be mentioned as being related. They are "Chemistm and the lOce Svrinee" . . Hvrum W. Tatton IScience Aer x i l ~ c r 0&hrr , 1973, pp. 13-llil ~ s & nincludr*nn rxperiment