Gelation, Phase Behavior, and Dynamics of β-Lactoglobulin Amyloid

Aug 27, 2012 - Gelation, Phase Behavior, and Dynamics of β-Lactoglobulin Amyloid Fibrils at Varying Concentrations and Ionic Strengths. Sreenath Boli...
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Hemodialysis International 2017; 00:00–00

Hypoproteinemia as a prognostic risk factor for arteriovenous fistula failure Vedran PREMUZIC,1 Tvrtko HUDOLIN,2 Josip PASINI,2 Zoran ZIMAK,2 Dinko HAUPTMAN,2 Bojan JELAKOVIC,1 Zeljko KASTELAN2 1

Department of Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation; 2Department of Urology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Kispaticeva 12, Zagreb 10 000, Croatia

Abstract Introduction: Any vascular access is of limited duration with many factors which influence survival in patients on chronic hemodialysis (HD). Hypoproteinemia as a marker of chronic illness is common among chronic HD patients. Our aim was to analyze the survival of the primary arteriovenous fistula (AVFs) and the risk factors which influence their patency and to test the hypothesis that patients with normal values of serum proteins have lower risk of AVF failure compared to patients with hypoproteinemia. Methods: Seven hundred thirty-four consecutive patients were included who underwent creation of an AVF. The patients were prospectively followed-up for 2 years. Only patients with AVF function after a month from its creation were analyzed. The patients were divided into two subgroups, with normal and low serum protein levels (