Gelman Sciences Inc

Get ready for take-off: now you can ... Gelman Sciences product box. Here's ... box. As soon as you accumulate 1,000 credit points, you're entitled to...
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Get ready for take-off: now you can e a r n credits for h u n d r e d s of dollars worth of free laboratory filtration products from Gelman Sciences through our Frequent Filter Program. And earning these credits is as easy as opening up a Gelman Sciences product box. Here's how the program works. Clip and send in the coupon or circle our reader service number in this ad, and we'll send you an application for membership in the Frequent Filter Program. With your m e m b e r s h i p , you'll receive a complete start-up k i t including your own individual mem-

bership card, and all the necessary information about the program itself. Then just start collecting the credit coupons inside every Gelman Sciences product box. As soon as you accumulate 1,000 credit points, you're entitled to $100.00 worth of free Gelman products. Every time you collect 1,000 points, you get $100.00 worth of Gelman products free. How easy is it to earn 1,000 points? Inside every box of Gelman laboratory filters, there's a point coupon worth at least 20 points. And larger orders contain larger point-value coupons-up to 200 points-so it'll take no time at all.

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Gelman Sciences Inc.

Act now and join the Frequent Filter Program. Send in the attached coupon for your membership application today, and we'll give you a 50-point bonus just to get you started. The Frequent Filter Program from Gelman Sciences-the kind of perk a fre­ quent f ilterer can really use.

Frequent Filter Program Π Yes! ,. Send me more information about the Gelman Sciences Frequent Filter Program. I want to know how I can "^ earn points to save hundreds of dollars on all labora­ tory products from Gelman. Name

Gelman Sciences Inc. Mail coupon to: Gelman Frequent Filter Headquarters

600 South Wagner Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 Toll-free 800 521-1520 In Michigan 313 665-0651



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