Gelman Sciences

the way you do, with the solvents and samples you run. ... So why not call Gelman today toll-free at ... test, ifyour sample is seriously con- taminat...
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Introducing the first HPLC filter for people who worry a lot about losing a little. The Acro®LC13 from Gelman. No wonder research chemists and HPLC technicians worry about microfiltration. The smaller your samples, the bigger your potential loss. And the less likely you are to do the HPLC filtration you know you should be doing. Well, relax. Gelman's new Aero® LC13 is about to change all that.

Improve your test scores. Accuracy is the point of HPLC. And the Aero LC13 is the best way to help make sure your test results are accurate and reproducible. Every time. With the Aero LC13, you won't see those spurious peaks or baseline instabil­ ities caused by sample con­ tamination. Plus, you'll have the satisfaction of Gelman makes microknowing you're getting the LC13's outlet spike fits sample loss a microscopic microsampling tubes and cups. most out of the HPLC problem. equipment you've paid so much for. Gelman's Aero LC13 is the first— And depend so much on. and only—13mm disposable filter unit Lengthen the life of your column. designed specifically for HPLC sample Of course, eventually, any col­ filtration. Not only is the Aero LC13 umn will clog. (Even on your first convenient (your sample goes from syringe through filter to microsample cup in one step). But it's safe. Your potential for "finger" contamination is reduced to zero. And your po­ tential sam­ The LC Senes—filters for bulk solvents (50mm) ple loss is to microsamples {13mm and 3mm). reduced test, if your sample is seriously con­ to a re­ taminated.) That's a more and more markable common fact due to the popularity of new low: smaller particle-size columns. a mere So it's more and more important μΐ with air that, on the average, the Aero LC13 purge. will extend your column's life up to three times. An extraordinary filter for Multiply that by the $200-$300 an ordinary price. you spend on a column. Then add in Great, you're grumbling. your downtime. And you can see But how much is this break­ how much you're through going to cost me? likely to save. You'll be happy—and surprised— to learn that the price for the Aero Discover LC13 is surprisingly low, really complete filter comparable to the cost of disc-andfreedom. holder filters. The Aero For instance, each filter will cost LC13 won't you less than a dollar. Not much at slow you down. all. Less when you consider the ben­ Ready-to-use, it's efits that dollar will bring you. designed to work

the way you do, with the solvents and samples you run. In large part, that's due to our "do-it-all" filter membrane. The LC13 features a hydrophilic, chemically resistant fluoropolymer membrane that's com­ patible with most commonly used HPLC aqueous- and solvent-based solutions. For the most aggressive chem­ icals, there's our Acrodisc® CR. The PTFE membrane and built-in safety ring make it the safest, most solventresistant disposable filter available anywhere. In fact, with the introduction of the LC13, Gelman's Aero LC Series has a filtration product that's perfect for virtually any HPLC application. From bulk solvents to microsamples. Isn 't it time you stopped worrying about HPLC filtration? You won't lose a thing by asking for more information about our money-saving, time-saving, samplesaving Aero LC Series, featuring the new LC13. So why not call Gelman today toll-free at 1-800-521-1520 (in Michigan, 313-665-0651). Gelman Sciences, Inc., 600 South Wagner Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. Or contact your lab supply distributor. It'll take a little of your time, but it'll save a lot of your samples.

Gelman Sciences At Gelman, we've got HPLC filtration down to a science. CIRCLE 66 ON READER SERVICE CARD