for HPLC, write us; call our toll-free number; or contact your local Gelman distributor. GELMAN SCIENCES,. 600 South Wagner Road, Ann. Arbor, Michigan...
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Have you ever figured out what it costs to discard a clogged HPLC column?

Use an inexpensive Gelman filter on your sample and solvent, and you probably won't have to. Discardins a HPLC column because it's clogged with particulates that change characteristics and affect results is a big expense. And it's a shame, because a lot of discards can be prevented by filtering first — the sample and the solvent. Acrodisc® and Acrodisc CR disposable filters are so simple to use and so low in cost, you'll find them among the most cost-effective devices in the laboratory. You may get as much as three times your usual column life by removing particulates from samples and solvents — particulates that clog columns, change characteristics, and affect results. Acrodiscs are sterile and ready-to-use on a syringe tip, in a range of pore sizes. Acrodisc CR filters are similar in function, but are

constructed of a Teflon* membrane in a polypropylene housing and designed t o take the toughest of solvents including acetonitrile, acids, and alcohols. So whether you're using an aqueous or organic solvent system, you can filter out the problems. Why worry over the costly loss of a column when you could be figuring out how much you saved this year on HPLC procedures with Gelman filters. For more details on Acrodisc and Acrodisc CR filters for HPLC, write us; call our toll-free number; or contact your local Gelman distributor. GELMAN SCIENCES, 600 South Wagner Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. Toll Free (800) 521-1520. In Michigan (313) 665-0651.

Gelman Sciences

The first filters to add the convenience of disposables, so you can filter first. *Teflon is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont DuNemours Company. CIRCLE 122 ON READER SERVICE CARD