GENERAL AMERICAN TRANSPORTATION CORPORATION. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1957, 49 (8), pp 74A–74A. DOI: 10.1021/i650572a762. Publication Date: August ...
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" s t o c k r o o m " for a c e t y l e n e Linde purchases Wiggins Gasholder for storage of acetylene between production and use cycles When Linde Air Products Company's new acetylene plant in Montague, Michigan goes "on stream", a new 100,000-cubic-foot Wiggins Gasholder will play a vital role in the operation. Every cubic foot of acetylene produced will pass through the "stock­ room" on its way to DuPont for use in the production of Neoprene. The gasholder will provide acetylene storage and will serve as surge capacity to enable Linde to satisfy both normal and emergency requirements. If you produce, store or use gases, investigate the advantages of Wiggins Gasholders. They can be built to any capacity— from 50-cubic-feet to a million. Call or write General American for complete information. ' GENERAL AMERICAN T R A N S P O R T A T I O N


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