GENERAL CHEMICAL puts another HF plant on line - C&EN Global

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and o n e in the WEST makes 4

GENERAL C H E M I C A L puts another H F plant on line Now in production: General Chemical's fourth hydrofluoric acid p l a n t - t h i s one a t Port Chicago (San Francisco), Calif. For the first time, the West Coast is offered all the advantages of on-the-spot service and supply for both aqueous and anhydrous H F . T h e nation's primary merchant producer of hydrofluoric acid, General Chemical is t h e o n l y s u p p l i e r to offer s h i p m e n t of aqueous and anhydrous H F from more than one producing point. Our other plants are

located a t Baton Rouge, La.; N o r t h Claymont, Del.; Nitro, W. Va.* As further assurance of steady supply, General Chemical h a s established a nation­ wide network of bulk storage plants . . . a n d General controls its own raw material re­ sources: fluorspar reserves, mines, mills, and heavy sulfuric acid capacity. West, E a s t or in between, make General your H Q for H F ! Call or write our nearest office for price and delivery information.

Allied •Allied Chemical Canada, Ltd., produces hydrofluoric acid at Valleyfield, Quebec.




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