General Chemistry Collection, 7th Edition; Abstract ... - ACS Publications

If so, consider adopting the JCE Software Gen- eral Chemistry Collection (GCC). This CD-ROM for Mac. OS and Windows contains software that will enhanc...
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JCE Software

Jon L. Holmes Nancy S. Gettys University of Wisconsin–Madison Madison, WI 53706

General Chemistry Collection, 7th Edition Abstract of Special Issue 16, 7th Edition, a CD-ROM for Students Are you teaching courses at the introductory or general chemistry level? Would you like your students to take advantage of software designed and peer-reviewed by teachers such as you? If so, consider adopting the JCE Software General Chemistry Collection (GCC). This CD-ROM for Mac OS and Windows contains software that will enhance student learning in most high school or first-year university level chemistry courses. GCC includes both previously published and new peer-reviewed software on a single CD-ROM for convenient access by students. The programs included and the broad range of topics they address are listed in Table 1. The General Chemistry Collection is intended for use by individual students and may be adopted as you would a textbook (see p 712). We expect beginning students will find the programs included in GCC useful tools for learning chemistry. New in This Edition New programs in this 7th edition are: •

pH Titration Simulator—for Windows

ORBITAL—for Windows (also published in Advanced Chemistry Collection, 3rd ed. [3] )

Inorganic Nomenclature—for Mac OS and Windows, a new “Web-ready” version of a program previously published for Mac OS only (4)

Writing Electron Dot Structures—for Mac OS and Windows, a new “Web-ready” version of a program previously published for Mac OS only (5)

In addition to the new programs above, this seventh edition of GCC includes all of the contents of the sixth edition (1). Solid State Structures (2) has been removed from the seventh edition because it depends upon software that is no longer available.

pH Titration Simulator N. Papadopoulos and M. Limniou, Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University, 54006 Thessaloniki, Greece; [email protected]

pH Titration Simulator is a Windows compatible computer program that simulates a pH titration. Students can

Table 1. Contents of the General Chemistry Collection, 7th Edition Mac OS & Windows U


Alkanes in Motion Inorganic Nomenclature Lake Study Window on the Solid State (Parts I and II) Writing Electron Dot Structures

Mac OS Programs Acid–Base Package Buoyancy Programs Coordination Compounds Inorganic Molecules MolVib 2.0 Organic Nomenclature Precision of Calc. Values

Limited Editions* ChemPages Laboratory LE General Chemistry Multimedia Problems LE Periodic Table Live! LE Solid State Resources LE


Windows Programs

Molecular dynamics Inorganic nomenclature Scientific method, Water chemistry, Environmental chemistry Solid state, Structures of metals

BCTC Bonding Theory

Electron Dot Structures

Topics Titration curves, Buffers, pH, Alpha plots Density Octahedral complexes, Structural isomers Molecular models; Molecular orbitals; VSEPR theory Molecular vibration animations Organic nomenclature Experimental error

Topics Laboratory techniques Challenging questions about introductory chemistry topics Periodic table Material science, Solid state


Buffers Plus Equilibrium Calculator Fields of pH InQual-S KinSimXP: A Chemical Kinetics Simulation Le Chat: Simulation in Chemical Equilibrium Lessons for Introductory Chemistry ORBITAL pH Titration Simulator SIRs: Simulations and Interactive Resources Spec UV–Vis Viscosity Measurement: A Virtual Experiment VizQuiz Window on the Solid State (Parts III and IV)

Topics Water chemistry, Environmental chemistry, Chemistry and society History of chemistry, Metal complexes, Structural isomers Buffers, Titration curves, pH, Alpha plots Equilibrium calculations pH of dilute solutions Qualitative analysis of metal ions Kinetics Equilibrium Modules covering 12 general chemistry topics Atomic properties/structure Titration, Titration curves, pH 24 modules covering a wide range of general chemistry topics UV–visible spectroscopy Viscosity, Density Quizzing and homework Solid state, Structures of ionic compounds

* Limited Editions (LE) are selected portions of the respective JCE Software CD-ROM. U Updated

from previous edition. N New in this edition. • Vol. 80 No. 6 June 2003 • Journal of Chemical Education


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A screen from pH Titration Simulator.

run realistic experiments and receive sample data as part of the process of learning how to carry out a titration, practicing procedures as thoroughly and as often as needed. The aqueous acid–base titration is one of the most widely used laboratory exercises for a first course in introductory or analytical chemistry. Laboratory experiments give students practical experience and technical competence in manipulation, observation, data collection, processing and analysis of data, interpretation of observations, problem solving, team work, experiment design, and communication and presentation. However, laboratory training is expensive, it requires academic and technical staffing, instruments, consumable materials and laboratory experiments take up a great deal of staff and student time. Simulations can help in developing laboratory skills. Computer simulations offer a learning experience that complements both classroom instruction and traditional laboratory experiences. With pH Titration Simulator, students can select an acid, its concentration, the concentration of the base, and an indicator to be used in a simulated a titration. They can control the rate at which base is added to the acid from a buret. As the solution’s pH changes, students can see the changes in color for the chosen indicator. After each addition of acid or base, the computer calculates the pH, the concentrations of each of the acidic and basic forms of the indicator, and the corresponding absorption (according to Beer's law), and displays the approximate color of the solution. Students can develop a clear understanding of how changes in pH affect the color that is observed in the solution, the pH span in which the indicator changes its color, and at what pH the major change occurs. This allows students to understand that each particular indicator is useful in detecting changes at a specific pH value. The simulation of several different titrations involving strong and weak acids can complement this, so that students understand the uses of the different indicators that are available. The program also includes a section that introduces students to the theory and use of the pH meter. A detailed understanding of these concepts would necessarily involve a large number of experiments, which may not be feasible in the available laboratory time. Computer simulation provides an extremely versatile way to ensure that students can have experience with a wider variety of indicators and titrations than would be possible in the laboratory. At the end of the experiment, data that are displayed graphically on the computer screen can be stored on disk and reexamined with the aid of spreadsheet software. 710

A screen from ORBITAL.

Acknowledgment The authors thank Robert de Levie of Bowdoin College for providing the algorithm for the pH calculation and for his advice and suggestions for improving the program.

ORBITAL Robert M. Hanson, Department of Chemistry, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN 55057; [email protected]

ORBITAL produces probability-based three-dimensional representations of the atomic orbitals of the hydrogen atom and other single-electron systems. Unlike traditional representations of orbitals, which depict a surface containing a fixed percentage of the electron density, the orbitals created by this program depict the electron density itself, using dots of various spatial density and color. The orbitals are produced using a Monte Carlo technique and saved as Chime XYZ files. These files are suitable for uploading to Web sites and are indexed by name and by energy. They are displayed automatically using the default browser, provided the Chime plugin has been installed (Chime is available for free download at Orbitals may be visualized using several different options, including slices along the xy, yz, or xz planes and first quadrant-only sections. Colors can be selected to emphasize probability or the sign of the wavefunction. Any orbital up through principal quantum number n = 20 for nuclear charge Z up to 120 may be displayed and may involve from 625 to 320,000 points. As the orbital is produced, the progress of the Monte Carlo calculation can be monitored in the form of a developing histogram of number of “hits” versus radius. This histogram can be compared

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 80 No. 6 June 2003 •

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to a plot of theoretical radial probability either in threedimensional space or in the selected planes. Quantum numbers n, l, and m may be selected either by direct entry or by pointing to orbitals on an energy level diagram. In addition, the hydrogen atom emission spectrum can be displayed. The correlation between lines on the emission spectrum and transitions between energy states can be easily correlated. Accompanying the program is an HTML help file that discusses the Monte Carlo method, presents program options, and provides the context in which the program is used at St. Olaf College (a second-semester laboratory experiment relating to atomic spectroscopy). ORBITAL requires the following software, which is available for free download from the Internet: Netscape Navigator, version 4.75 or higher, or Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 5.0 or higher; Chime Plug-in, version compatible with your OS and browser (available from MDL). Inorganic Nomenclature David B. Shaw, Madison Area Technical College, Madison, WI 53704; [email protected]

rules. Once the correct answer has been chosen, a congratulatory message is given on the screen. To choose subsequent examples, students may select another compound from the list of names, select a formula from a list and attempt to give the correct name, or randomly generate questions of either or both types from the list of 120 examples. Inorganic Nomenclature was originally published as a HyperCard stack for Mac OS computers. That version has been included on all previous editions of General Chemistry Collection. It has now been revised in HTML format and is compatible with both Mac OS and Windows operating systems. Inorganic Nomenclature requires the following software, which is available for free download from the Internet: Netscape Navigator, version 6.2 or higher, or Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 5.0 or higher. Acknowledgment Laura Yindra assisted in final formatting of the new HTML version of Inorganic Nomenclature. Writing Electron Dot Structures

Inorganic Nomenclature is a drill-and-practice exercise in naming and writing formulas for ionic and covalent inorganic compounds. It is now available in HTML format for use by students with both Windows and Mac OS compatible computers. It consists of multiple-choice questions where a name or formula is given and the correct formula or name is chosen from a list of five possible answers. Students choose whether to start with a name and give a formula, start with a formula and give a name, or receive a random selection of these two types of questions. Students can, for example, select an exercise from a list of 60 names. Clicking on the first name on the list, iron(III) chlorate, generates a question that requests the formula. Five possible answers are provided labeled as choices A through E. An answer is selected by clicking. An incorrect answer generates a message explaining a possible reason why the choice is incorrect. For iron(III) chlorate, choosing “FeCl3” as the answer generates the message, “This compound does not contain a monatomic anion.” The student can then use this information to make another choice. At any time students can access help that includes a periodic table, a list of polyatomic ions employed in the tutorial, and nomenclature

A screen from Inorganic Nomenclature.

Kenneth R. Magnell, Department of Chemistry, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859; [email protected]

Writing Electron Dot Structures is a computer program for Mac OS and Windows that provides drill with feedback for students learning to write electron dot structures. While designed for students in the first year of college general chemistry it may also be used by high school chemistry students. A systematic method similar to that found in many general chemistry texts is employed. 1. Determine the number of valence shell electrons. 2. Select the central atom. 3. Construct a skeleton. 4. Add electrons to complete octets. 5. Examine the structure for resonance forms.

During the construction of a structure, students have the option of quitting, selecting another formula, or returning to a previous step. If the “select another formula” option is chosen, the user will be informed of the status of available formulae for the session (structures attempted but not completed, structures completed and structures not attempted). If an incorrect number of electrons is entered, students may not proceed until the correct number is entered. The symbol entered for the central atom must follow accepted upper- and lowercase practice, and entry of the correct symbol must be accomplished before proceeding to the next step. A periodic table is accessible and feedback provides assistance for these steps. Construction of the skeleton begins with the placement of the central atom. Atoms can be added, moved, or removed. Prompts and feedback keep students informed of progress and problems. A correct skeleton is required before proceeding to the next step. • Vol. 80 No. 6 June 2003 • Journal of Chemical Education


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Completion of the structure begins with the addition of electron pairs to form the required bonds. Remaining electrons are added to complete the formation of multiple bonds, assure compliance with the octet rule, and form expanded octets. Resonance forms are made by moving or removing and replacing electron pairs in the existing skeleton. Prompts and feedback guide students through this process. A running tally of bond pairs, unshared pairs, octets, electrons used, and electrons remaining is provided during this step. Writing Electron Dot Structures requires the following software, which is available for free download from the Internet: Netscape Navigator, version 4.75 or higher, or Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 5.0 or higher, and Shockwave Player (available from Macromedia). A screen from Writing Electron Dot Structures.

Table 2. Hardware and Software Requirements Computer





Operating System

Mac OS Compatible

Power Mac

≥ 64 MB

CD-ROM; Hard Drive

≥ 256 colors; ≥ 800 × 600

System 8.6 or higher

Acrobat Reader (included); Internet Browser such as Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer; Chime plug-in; Shockwave Player; QuickTime; HyperCard Player

Windows Compatible


≥ 64 MB

CD-ROM; Hard Drive

SVGA; ≥ 256 colors; ≥ 800 × 600

Windows XP, 2000, Me, 98

Acrobat Reader (included); Internet Browser such as Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer; Chime plug-in; Shockwave plug-in; QuickTime

Licensing, Volume Discounts for Adoptions GCC is intended for use by individual students. Institutions and faculty members may adopt General Chemistry Collection, 7th edition as they would a textbook. We can arrange for CDs to be custom-packaged with laboratory manuals or other course materials or to be sold to students through the campus bookstore. The cost per CD can be quite low when large numbers are ordered (as little as $3 each), making this a cost-effective method of providing students access to the software they need whenever and wherever they desire. Network licenses to distribute the software to your students via your local campus network can also be arranged. Contact us for details on purchasing multiple-user licenses. Price and Ordering The price for this CD-ROM for Macintosh and Windows for a single user on a single machine is $35 U.S./$50 non-U.S. Adoption discounts are available for the purchase of 20 or more CDs. Call or email JCE Software for information about these bulk order prices. An order form is inserted in this issue that also provides prices and other ordering information. Information about all of our publications (including abstracts, descriptions, updates, etc.) is available from our World Wide Web site at Acknowledgments GCC contains the work of many authors. The time and effort of these dedicated chemistry educators in producing


Other Software (required by one or more programs)

these programs is gratefully acknowledged by the editors, along with the authors’ generosity in contributing their work to the chemistry education community by submission to JCE Software. Thanks are also due the many peer reviewers who volunteered their time to test these programs, and the thousands of chemistry instructors all over the world who have made these programs available to their students. Their input has been invaluable in program development, revisions, and updates. Hardware and Software Requirements System requirements are given in Table 2. Some programs have additional special requirements. See the individual program abstracts at JCE Online or the documentation included on the CD-ROM for more specific information. Literature Cited 1. General Chemistry Collection, 6th ed. [CD-ROM]; J. Chem. Educ. Software 2002, SP16. 2. Mayer, Ludwig A. Solid State Structures; J. Chem. Educ. Software 1997, 5D2; 1994, 6C1. 3. Advanced Chemistry Collection, 3rd ed. [CD-ROM]; J. Chem. Educ. Software 2003, SP28. 4. Shaw, D. B. Inorganic Nomenclature; J. Chem. Educ. Software 1994, 5C2. 5. Magnell, Kenneth R. Writing Electron Dot Structures; J. Chem. Educ. Software 2000, 9905M.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 80 No. 6 June 2003 •