GENERAL ELECTRIC - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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Chemical Progress News of development,; from General Electric's Chomical Department that can be important to your business.

N e w Family of G-E RubberPhenolic M o l d i n g Compounds


Three new Hycar*Phenolic molding compounds with outstanding shock resistance have recently been developed by General Electric Company. These include asbestos-filled, cotton flockfilled, and fabric-filled compounds and supplement the earlier wood flour-filled type. They have the characteristics of their fillers plus shock resistance far in excess of comparable regular phenolic compounds. *Hycar American rubber; registered trade name, B. F. Goodrich Chemical Company.

N o w P a p e r Cup Dispenser

as office use. Working with customer's engineers, General Electric improved the design and produced a clever, value-plus unit of crystal-clear plastics. This eyeappealing dispenser is already attracting thousands of new users.

* Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.

G-E Silicones Cut Rubber Molders' Refect Costs

N e w Cold-Punching G e n e r a l Electric T e x t o l l t e * Speeds Low-Cost Mass Production

A. new G-E cold-punching industrial laminate with high electrical and mechanical properties has been developed by General Electric engineers. Where low-cost, mass-produced electrical insulation for medium voltage applications is demanded, G-E Textolite 11534 satisfies requirements. * Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.

Special Purpose G l y p t a l * A l k y d Resin Cloths a n d Tapes N o w Available

Here's an excellent example of how a product was improved through better design and choice of materials. A G-E customer wanted an attractive cup dispenser—sanitary, durable, yet inexpensive enough tor home as well

improved insulation protection at minimum cost to you.

Developed specifically to combine maximum heat- and oil-resistance with excellent toughness and flexibility, General Electric's new special-purpose Glyptal alkyd resin-treated 1780 and 1782 cloths and tapes give unexcelled service under die toughest conditions. Write for details about how to get

Savings from a substantial reduction in reject losses are now made possible for rubber molders — thanks to G-E silicone mold lubricants. Among the advantages offered by this product of General Electric silicone chemistry over conventional mold lubricants are less sticking in the mold, lower down time because there is no build-up in the mold cavities. Write for details. WANT MORI INFORMATION?

If you'd like more information on any Chemical Department product, just drop us a line. Address: Chemical Department, General Electric Company, 1 Plastics Avenue, Pittsfield 8, Massachusetts.

G-E Chemical Department plants at: Pittsfield, Mass.; Schenectady, N. Y.; Waterford, N. Y.; Coshocton, Ohio; Decatur, 111.; Taunton, Mass.; Anaheim, Calif.

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forms a colorless, invisible y e t protective film on metal surfaces when street slush is splashed against fenders and auto underbodies. p 8

REACTION VESSELS V A R I O U S t y p e s , w i t h or w i t h o u t s h a k i n g or s t i r r i n g mechanisms, h e a t i n g j a c k e t s , a n d removable corrosion-resistant liners. S t a n d a r d volumes, 4 3 m l . to 2 0 l i t e r s , f o r pressures up to 6 0 , 0 0 0 psi a n d t e m p e r a t u r e s up to 8 0 0 ° F.


Vessels f o r continuous r e actions can be b u i l t for pressures u p t o 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 psi a n d t e m p e r a t u r e s up t o 2 5 0 0 ° F-




As pioneers — and still leaders, in t h e superpressure f i e l d , Aminco has a n unmatched fund of e x p e r i ence which is a t your disposal for t h e solution of y o u r s p e c i f i c high-pressure problems.

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R E A C T I O N VESSELS > VALVES • FITTINGS TUBING • PUMPS • COMPRESSORS • INSTRUMENTS D E A D-W E I G H T GAGES f o r pressures up to 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 p s i .

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With the finding of suitable adhesives for laminating polyethylene film to fabric and paper, Bern is Bro. Bag C o . has been able to develop polyethylenelined laminated textile bags which coinbine the advantages of the new plastic film with the strength and handling advantages of cotton or burlap laminated textile bags. Finding an adhesive was one of the chief difficulties to be overcome in adapting polyethylene film to use in bags. T h e Bemis research laboratory experimented with a variety of adhesives and found an asphalt laminating compound that is a waterproofing agent in itself and will also stick polyethylene to fabric. Bemis has also been successful in finding a colorless adhesive which can be used for laminating polyethylene either direct to a fabric such as burlap or cotton, or to a paper sheet between the fabric and the polyethylene. Bags of this type are particularly suited for chemicals and other products which tend to deteriorate ordinary bags in a relatively short time and for products which are susceptible to contamination and moisture damage. |» 9

Hercules Powder Co. has announced the development of Rada, a surface a c tive organic amine salt in water-soluble form. It is being used in oil fields where the extraction of crude petroleum depends largely on secondary recovery methods, one of which is water injection. This new chemical provides control of bacterial action and affords protection against corrosion of water-flooding systems. Rada also acts t o reduce turbidity in flood water and thereby prevents plugging of oil-bearing sands. P 10 T h e Electro Chemical Supply & Engineering Co. has announced a new thermosetting synthetic resin cement, Lecite. Inert t o solvents, fats, oils, greases, alkalies and acids, except strong chromic, nitric, and sulfuric over 60° Be. at temperatures to 375° F., Lecite is useful for jointing acidproof brick and pipe in the construction of neutralizers, disposal units, tanks, and process equipment, where the above corrosions are a factor. Lecite m a y be stored indefinitely at atmospheric temperatures, is nontoxic, will not foam t o form a porous mortar and give off toxic fumes, sets t o form a shock-resistant joint, is nonflammable, and has a compression strength in excess of 10,000 p.s.i. p 1 1



PROCESSES A protective coating called Rugalaka lias been announced by the Lacquer and Chemical Corp. This finish resembles the broadloom pattern of a rug or what might be considered an inverse hammered finish. This material may be air dried or baked to a smooth high gloss finish and is available in all colors for use on typewriters, lamp bases, vacuum cleaners, and general castings. |» 12

T o moistureproof and rot proof oak flooring and other wood products, TufOn No. 630-F fungicide sealer is a wood preservative developed by Brooklyn Varnish Mfg. Co., Inc. It is adapted to production line finishing, dries to touch in a few minutes, and acts as an impregnating agent. N o . 630-F is water resistant and may be used as a finish coat sealer, followed by multiple coats of varnish. |» 13

Paparnit ( R ) , Geigy Co., Ine.'s new synthetic drug (caramiphen hydrochloride) for reduction of rigidity and tremor in Parkinson's Disease, has been made available to the medieal profession. Known previously as Parpanit(R) tremor in Parkinson's disease, has been shown to facilitate management in this chronic illness wrhile notably avoiding: the disagreeable side effects of conventional therapy with belladonna alkaloids —dry mouth and disturbances of vision ,

PI* A stabilized azoic dye, Calconyl blue* G powder, and in its solution form, Calconyl blue G single solution, have been announced b y the Calco Chemical Division, American Cyanamid Co. T h e y are recommended for cotton printing, where acid aging is available, t o produce n a v y blue shades with fairlygood fastness t o light and excellent fastness to washing, perspiration, and drycleaning. These blues are said to b e satisfactory for use in patterns along with other acid-aging types of dyes, such as soluble vat dyes, or with resinbonded pigments. They are reported to be stable under normal storage coaditions and the solution is said not t o precipitate or separate on long standing. P15

United States Rubber Co. has announced t h e development of an all-plastic sheeting which can be used as u p holstery material over foam rubber. Called Naugahyde all-plastic upholstery, it is reported not to stiffen, stain, o r discolor, is washable, and is available i n eight colors. p u>


2 7,



Blueprint for handling Molten Chemicals The welders in the above view are referring to a blueprint.. .it shows them how to assemble the tank they are erecting. Chemical men should direct their attention to the tank itself... it illustrates how a special metal can be used to combat corrosion. This "smelt" tank is 17-ft. in diam. by 15-ft. high and is made of stainless steel. It is installed at a pulp and paper mill in the South. Molten chemical "smelt/' high in caustic content, flows from a furnace into the tank. It is then mixed with water to form a diluted caustic solution which is known as "green liquor." The green liquor is clarified, treated and re-used in making pulp for kraft paper board. We also supplied a second stainless steel tank, 15ft. in diam. by 10-ft. high at this plant. Corrosion-resistant metals like stainless steel may help you solve the troublesome problems encountered when you use or produce corrosive chemicals. The right material, properly applied, prolongs the life of your vessels, avoids nasty cleaning and costly repairs, and eliminates the possibility of the tank's contents becoming contaminated. We build all types of tanks and other plate structures of nickel and chrome-nickel stainless steels; and of non-ferrous alloys such as monel, nickel, aluminum and everdur. For information on structures built of, clad, or lined with corrosion resistant metals, write our nearest office.

CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY AtUnU 3 S 1 3 0 Healey Bids. Lot Angolas 1 4 1 5 3 7 Ganaral Petroleum Birmingham 1 1 5 3 9 North Fiftieth S t N e w York 6 3321—165 Broadway Boston 1 0 1 0 5 4 — 2 0 1 Dtvonshire St. Philadelphia 3 1 6 3 9 — 1 7 0 0 Walnut Street Chicago 4 2 1 3 7 McCormicIc Bids. Salt Lake City 1 1559—1st Security Bank Cleveland 15 2 2 2 9 Guildhall Bids. San Francisco 11 1 2 3 5 — 2 2 Battery Street Detroit 2 6 1 5 4 5 Lafayette Bids. Seattle 1 1359 Henry Houston 2 2 1 5 3 National Standard Bids. Tulsa 3 1642 Hunt Plants in: B I R M I N G H A M , C H I C A G O , S A L T L A K E CITY end G R E E N V I L L E , P A .




Bldg. Bids. Bldg. Bldg. Bldg. Bldg. Bldg.