General Electric Co

including x-ray tube, sample holder, crys- tal holder/changer and detectorassembly. It's the logical place for greater versatility in a vacuum spectro...
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For better instrumentation for materials analysis • • •

Choose the supplier offering the world's most versatile vacuum spectrometer* A

LL MANUFACTURERS of x-ray Flick ofa switch gives you Cr radiation for spectrometers offer certain design low number analysis, W radiation for features. But no supplier—foreign or do- higher numbers. And you don't change mestic—ever attempted to provide you tubes or break vacuum to do it. Highest with the wide range of advantages and in- available intensity from either target—75 novations found in General Electric's kv or 100 ma. XRD-6VS vacuum spectrometer. (2) Indexing Sample Holder CarouselAll X-Ray components are mounted in- type unit automatically presents appropriside—not outside—the vacuum chamber ate sample for excitation without breaking including x-ray tube, sample holder, crys- v a c u u m . H o l d s high- or low-atomictal holder/changer and detector assembly. number liquid samples, too. It's the logical place for greater versatility (3) New Four-Crystal Holder/Changer in a vacuum spectrometer. Look— Latest in a series of "firsts", it electrically (1) Exclusive Dual Target X-Ray Tube indexes any of four selected analyzing


crystals. Allows you to analyze virtually the entire range of elements by push button control without breaking vacuum. (4)More Sensitive Counter Tubes Brand new thinner window counter tube helps extend your analytical technique into even lower atomic numbers. There is an XRD vacuum spectrometer with the versatility to fit your needs. Consult now with your General Electric representative, or write General Electric Co., Section 4605, 4855 Electric Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201 for free descriptive literature.