NewGE Mass Spectrometer Gives Fast Qualitative Identification At A Price You Can Now Afford • If you consider existing identifi cation methods either too slow or too costly, investigate General Electric's new MS 100 Mass Spectrom eter Gas Analyzer. Scan speeds are from one milli-second per AMU to thirty minutes. The MS100 has a single mass range, with unit resolu tion from 1 to 600 AMU, and is sensitive to less than 100 nano grams. Linear readout display, with minimum mass discrimination, per mits easy identification of mass number. Readout includes a high speed light-beam oscillograph with attendant amplifiers. The slow tedious trapping of sam ples can now be forgotten. Efflu ents can be introduced directly from a Gas Chromatograph thru connec tions on either side of the console with the GE Carrier Gas Separator aiding the process. MS 100 design incorporates an alternate molecular leak inlet for the introduction of gases and volatile liquids. The heated inlet system is controllable from ambient to 300 C. Constructed of stainless steel and fully bakeable, the GE MS 100 uti lizes an ion pump vacuum system
which eliminates hydro-carbon back grounds and requires no coolants. This allows the system to be com pletely portable requiring only an electric power source. None of these desirable features are designated as extra cost acces sories. The GE MS 100 Mass Spec trometer Gas Analyzer is sold complete and ready for operation
Circle No. 69 on Readers' Semite Carl ·
for less than $25,000. For more information on all GE vacuum products, systems, and in strumentation, contact any one of GE's nationwide Vacuum Products Sales Specialists. Or write to Sec tion 268-26, Vacuum Products Business Section, General Electric Company, Schenectady, New York 12305.