General Electric Company

NEWS. B. F. Goodrich Adds G-E Mass Spectrometer. To New Research Facilities. B. F. Goodrich scientists say their Gen- eral Electric mass spectrometer ...
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Instrument B. F. Goodrich Adds G-E Mass Spectrometer To New Research Facilities B. F . Goodrich scientists say their General Electric mass spectrometer will get solutions to new problems plus new approaches to old problems. T h e creation of n e w products will be speeded by the G - E instrument, they say. T h e G-E spectrometer was purchased in line with the B. F. Goodrich policy of using the latest scientific equipment. W i t h automatic operation and immediate high-speed pen recording, results are obtained at once. A wide range permits w o r k on most chemical compounds. General Electric offers complete advisory service to present and prospective users, including analysis of compounds.

Philadelphia Gets Spring Water With Help of G-E Recorder

G.E. Announces N e w Plan for Mass Spectrometers T o give present and future mass spectrometer users the chance to modernize or build their own equipment, General Electric now offers spectrometer components, including the tubes shown below. Other components available are the ion gage, emission regulator, d-c amplifier, magnet power supply and high-voltage power supply. O w n e r s and builders can get expert advice on spectrometry without charge.

Welsbach Corporation of Philadelphia uses a General Electric dew-point recorder in its ozonizing of water from the Schulkyll River. Ozonizing gives the water a springwater taste. ' T h e G-E recorder was chosen because it gives a continuous record of moisture in a gas stream. High-altitude, food, chemical, weather, air-conditioning and refrigeration laboratories now use General Electric dew-point recorders.

Conventional tube Section

NEWS Laboratory Air Policed by G-E Mercury-vapor Detector Instantly Detects Dangerous Mercury-vapor Concentrations

Dr. Econard Moskowitz, N e w York State Labor Dept., says that his General Electric mercury-vapor detector is a vast improvement over slower methods. T h e detector is accurate within 5 % . Sixteen state governments, five foreign governments, medical groups, insurance companies and industrial laboratories are safeguarding personnel with G-E mercuryvapor detectors.

Bennett RF tube

Ion-resonant tube

6 8 7 - 5 8 , A p p a r a t u s Department

General Electric C o m p a n y , Schenectady, N e w York Please send me the f o l l o w i n g bulletins • • • •


GEC-312 GEC-587 GEC-588 GEC-696

m e r c u r y - v a p o r detector • need for reference purposes mass spectrometer • p l a n n i n g an immediate project dewpoint equipment mass-spectrometer tubes a n d components

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