General Electric Company

As an on-line sensor, the General Electric X-Ray. Emission Gage is a dependable, accurate source of facts about your process flow. With XEG you run...
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XEG: Your sixth sense on any continuous process line As an on-line sensor, the General Electric X-Ray Emission Gage is a dependable, accurate source of facts about your process flow. With XEG you run a continuous check on the qualitative and quantitative composition of material in production for as many as five elements — or six where practical to operate without a reference. Liquids, solids, slurries, dry or moist powders, sheets, wires, rods, even gases . . . you keep them all under full-time surveillance with trend analysis so accurate, so fast that adjustments can be made before serious, costly spoilage.

XEG is rugged as well as accurate. With no moving parts, it is durably built to withstand the vibration and shock normally encountered in industrial operations. Information from the XEG can be fed into recorders, indicators, process computers or directly into process control devices. Contact your G-E representative for details on XEG. Ask him how MAXISERVICE* Rental Plan can provide you with x-ray equipment, service and parts at no capital investment. Or write to X-Ray Department, General Electric Company, Milwaukee 1, Wisconsin, Room UU-114.





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IRRADIATING Circle No. 5 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 34, NO. 12, NOVEMBER 1962

99 A