May 3, 2012 - GENERAL ELECTRIC X-RAY CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1950, 22 (4), pp 7A–7A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60040a706. Publication Date: April ...
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V O L U M E 22, NO. 4, A P R I L



THE XRD-3 X-RAY DIFFRACTION UNIT Makes material analysis simple . . . fast . . . positive! Here are some of the many practical applications of XRD-3 X-Ray Diffraction Applications to Metallurgy a n d Metallography

1. The Composition and Structure of Alloys. 2. Study of the "order-disorder" phenomena in alloy systems. 3. The Effects of Rolling and Working on Metals and alloys through determination of o r i e n t a t i o n , fiber structure, slip planes, etc.

4. The Effects of Annealing and Other Thermal Treatments on Metals. Study of growth of texture in castings. Is an annealing treatment adequate?

Is knowing the submicroscopic structures of materials you work with important to you? Do you want to maintain the desired quality of materials throughout your manufacturing process? If you do, you'll find General Electric X-Ray Corporation's XRD-3 X-Ray Diffraction Equipment is the answer.

Applications in Chemistry

1. General and Physical Chemistry. ^.-, . . , , Differentiation between true and false hydrates. (Chemical analysis) -,,. , , . Discovery of unsuspected chemical reactions. 2. Organic Chemistry.

Chemical identification and determination. „ . , , ., Measurement of the thickness of orientated films. 3. Analytical Chemistry. ., ' , ' . Identification of pure substances and mixtures of minor constituents.

\es, for the first time you can analyze . materials easily, quickly — eliminate the guesswork and inference necessary with former methods of x-ray diffraction analysis.

Applications in the Process Industries

1. Paints and Pigments. Structure and crystal sizes as functions of color, spreading, wettmg and obscuring power, stability, gloss and method of preparation. 2. Positive Identification of major components of raw materials for ceramics. Study of transition zones between base metal and vitreous enamel. ^ 3. Storage Batteries. Study of physical and chemical

structure of plates as related to performance. Study of chemical reactions occurring during charge and discharge, ,»,,.,„ a „ , , "' R u b b e r a n d A11,ed P r o m t s , Study of chemical reactions taking place during vulcanization and other processing, 5 . Furnishes a scientific method of classifying and studying variat ions in cotton, silk, wool, and other natural and synthetic fibers.

It's no wonder that chemists, physicists, metallurgists» engineers in innumerable companies use XRD apparatus in research laboratories — and equally important, for routine checks as well. They find it saves them time, it saves them money, it improves the quality of their product.

Applications in Mineralogy 1. S t u d y of Soil C h e m i s t r y . 2 . Identification, classification, a n d 3 . C o r r e l a t i o n of v a r i a t i o n of clay differentiation of g e n u i n e , b o t h s t r u c t u r e w i t h catalytic activity n a t u r a l a n d synthetic, a n d i m i in oil refinement, etc. t a t i o n gems by a n o n - d e s t r u c t i v e These are just a few of the hundreds of practical applications.





SEND FOR THIS VALUABLE BOOKLET FOR YOUR TECHNICAL LIBRARY "Analytical Applications of X-Ray Diffraction Using Direct Measurement Technics"- . •> graphically presents scientific findings. GENERAL ELECTRIC X-RAY C O R P O R A T I O N Dept. U U - 4 , M i l w a u k e e 14, W i s .

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