a most advanced ... an advanced crystallographic data collection centre. With four automated ... phone your G-E man for an appointment to witness the ...
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a most advanced crystallographic system

XRD-490 Crystallographic System

Certain crystallographers — you know who you are — have long required an advanced crystallographic data collection centre. With four automated circles. Wide angular range. Elimination of mechanical interference. Inherent accuracy. Interfaced computer. And software that is pretested and de-bugged prior to delivery. The new XRD-490 more than meets these special requirements, but don't take our word for it. Write today for an illustrated 14-page brochure. Then where the shoe fits — phone your G-E man for an appointment to witness the "490" . . . live. Write Section 4708, General Electric Co., X-Ray Dept., 4855 Electric Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. 53201.