G-E Analytical. Mass Spectrometer. Can. Speed Up. Your Chemical Research. Accurately ScansRange of Mass Numbers from 1 to 650. General Electric's anal...
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Process Instrumentation

G-E ANALYTICAL MASS SPECTROMETER, (above) can pay for itself, needs no permanent installation, features variable controls, and is easy to modify.

Compact G-E Analytical Mass Spectrometer Can Speed Up Your Chemical Research Accurately Scans Range of Mass Numbers from 1 to 650 General Electric's analytical mass spect r o m e t e r gives you analysis of gases a n d m a n y liquids u p t o eight times faster t h a n t h e distillation column method. F o r instance, it takes only six minutes t o scan t h e spectrum of a n average five compound light hydro carbon mixture. T h u s , it is possible t o arrive a t complete analysis of some mixtures in as little as one-half a n hour. IN COMPARISON w i t h a distillation colu m n analysis, which t a k e s from 8 t o 24 hours, you can see t h e t i m e a n d money saved. In m a n y cases, this means t h e versatile G - E analytical mass spectrometer will save you enough money t o repay


its original cost a n d t h e n give years and years of swift, sure operation. A PERMANENT RECORD is m a d e of t h e mass spectrum as an ink t r a c e on a stripc h a r t recorder. N o t e s can be m a d e easily right on t h e c h a r t a n d t h e information is ready for immediate interpretation. Should an unusual result appear, an immediate re-scan of a portion of t h e spect r u m can be m a d e before t h e sample is lost. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, c o n t a c t y o u r nearest G-E A p p a r a t u s Sales Office or write for Bulletin GEC-587, Section 587-2, General Electric C o m p a n y , Schen e c t a d y 5, N e w York.


OPERATOR INTRODUCES GAS sample into mass spectrometer. Heated sample introduction systems are available for liquid samples and low vapor pressure gases.

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