Herman A. Liebhafsky, Ph.D. (Chem.) Univ. of Calif. (1929), joined the General Kleotric Research. Laboratory in 1934. Since 1951 he has been Manager,...
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Herman A. Liebhafsky, P h . D . ( C h e m . ) U n i v . of Calif. ( 1 9 2 9 ) , joined t h e General Kleotric R e s e a r c h L a b o r a t o r y in 1934. Since 1951 he h a s been Manager, Phi/.tical. Che»' ixtry Research. I n addition t o his w o r k in i n s t r u m e n t a l a n a l y s i s . D r . Liebhaf­ sky h a s been connected with t h e m e r c u r y b o i l e r , t h e c h e m i s t r y ol" oxide-coated cathodes, corrosion p r o b l e m s of a l l ki n d s , a n a l y t i c a l m e t h o d s for silicones, a n d rocket p r o p e l l a n t s . H e h a s published m o r e t h a n n i n e t y p a p e r s in these fields.

X-rays speed materials analysis Dr. Herman A. Liebhafsky of the General Electric Research Laboratory finds new uses for invisible rays The use of x-rays a s a non-destructive tool of analyt­ ical chemistry is rapidly growing in popularity among chemists, because for many purposes it provides them with a new order of speed and accuracy in determin­ ing constituents difficult to detect. Over a period of more than ten years, Dr. Herman A. Liebhafsky and his associates a t the General Elec­ tric Research Laboratory have contributed to t h e development of x-ray absorption methods for a wide range of materials. Their fundamental work has led to t h e development of the x-ray photometers, which have proved exceedingly useful in the atomic energy p r o g r a m and in the petroleum industry.

More recently, Dr. Liebhafsky has turned his atten­ tion to research on x-ray emission spectrography. This new analytical technique has proved especially valuable for the rapid quantitative determination of heavy metals in certain alloys, for the measurement of very thin films of one metal on another, and for the identification and determination of trace materials. 7^ogress is Our Most Importent


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