Find out how General Electric's newest XRD-5 series of units can ... ELECTRIC. For further information, circle number 12 A on Readers' Service Card, p...
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X-RAY Spectrometer

a proved G.E. X-Ray product to make your products better

International Nickel analyzes alloys on an average of

40 times faster with G-E unit I

NTERNATIONAL Nickel's experience illustrates how x-ray emission spectrometry speeds alloy and corrosion analysis, promotes high accuracy and cuts down cost. At INCO's Bayonne (New Jersey) laboratory, what was formerly a particularly difficult determination — requiring two weeks by conventional methods — now takes as little as 20 minutes. An average of 150 determinations are often completed per man per day — compared with 14.2 determinations by wet chemical analysis. X-RAY DIFFRACTION C A N HELP YOU, TOO Speed is by far the greatest "plus" of x-ray emission spectrometry. The G-E unit makes elemental determin-

ations from atomic number 13 aluminum and upward in seconds. What's more, you don't destroy the sample — important where precious metals and additional analysis are involved. And you eliminate weighings, tedious separations, purification, titrations, ignitions, the cost of chemical reagents or chemical glassware. Find out how General Electric's newest XRD-5 series of units can speed you-i qualitative and quantitative analysis of both solids and liquids. For complete details, consult your G-E x-ray representative. Or write X-Ray Department, General Electric Company, Milwaukee 1, Wisconsin, for Pub. UU-44.

ProgressIsOur Most Important Product



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