General Inorganic Chemistry (Sneed, M. Cannon) - Journal of

General Inorganic Chemistry (Sneed, M. Cannon). Alvin P. Black. J. Chem. Educ. , 1926, 3 (10), p 1206. DOI: 10.1021/ed003p1206.1. Publication Date: Oc...
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In the preface the author promires "other vo1umer bringing the work up-to-date." I t would he very helpful if a companion volume could he prepared giving a similar treatment to studies of tests for science subjects: the labore.. tory,itsequipment, arrangement,and administmtion; the science teacher, his job and his preparation for it. However. Doctor Curtis has, in this volume, made a distinct contribution t o the growing number of helpn for the science teacher.

phofograph~of famous chemists and the ahundant use of historical material not only fulfil the purpose of the author, as expressed in hi3 preface. hut make the text readable and interesting. The questions and problems a t the end of each chapter are exeellent. Perhaps the main feature of the tert, in the opinion of the reviewer, is the great amount of important information presented in the 67 tables. Some are worthy of special mention, notably B. CLIIWOBD HBNDR~EKS Clark's full table of the occurrence of the elements, p. 17; a new table of activities of metals. General Inorganic Chemistry. M. CANNOW P. 50; oxygen in different localiticn. p. 94: the halogens, p. 148; table of solubilities. p. 197, SNBBD,Professor of Chemistry in the School ete. of Chemirtry, U n i v e i t y of Minnesota. Modern theories of atomic structure are edeFirst edition, 1926. Ginn & Company, quately presented as part of a splendid chapter Boston. vii 674 pp. 67 tables, 129 on "The Periodic System." The chapter on figures, 11 full-page photomphs. 14 X "Inert Gases" ia good. 20.5 cm. 53.00. The reviewer would make one criticism of the "In the ~elcctio"of material for this hook, two text. The treatment of hydrocarbons is good, main objects have been kept constantly in mind," hut their derivatives are given almost entirely states the authar in the preface. "The first of by means of tables and little or no attention is these is t o offer the fundamental information given to such important fopice as carbohydrates, necessary to prepare students for the further fats, proteins, foods, digeation, and vitamins. study of chemistry and related sciences; the The words "fat" and "protein" are not found 3ec0nd.,.t make the treatment broad enough t o in the index. However, the title which the aumeet the needs of the large number whose major t h m has assigned t o the t e r t would properly interests lie in other fields. To accomplirh these permit of their entire omisrion. pmrpoaea, sn attempt has heen made to reach The author has made an excellent and worthy a proper balance between descriptive and theoaddition to the growing list of first-year texts retical matter. * * * N o radical departure ha9 now available for collepe and university use. been made in either method of presentation or ALWNP. BLACK arrangement. * * Historical matter has been freely introduced t o show that chemistry is an TO BE REVIEWED LATER emerimenta1 science and is n o t free from the mistakes to which human beings are subject." Applied Colloid Chemistry. ~. 2nd EditionThe bookcontains 46chaptttt. Sevenof these, Bancroft. according t o the author, may he omitted wholly Cargoes and Harvests-Peattie or io part without breaking the continuity of Casein-Taeue. treatment. They are "Calculationr;' "The Chemistry in the World's Work-Howe. Further Chemistry of Carbon," "Ionic EquiGeneral Chemistry-Cady. libria," "The Chemistry of Colloids," "ChemGlobe laboratory S h e e t ~ N e l r o n . istry of Living Procesres," "Electro-chemistry." Laboratory Experiments in Dairy ChemirtryThe t e r t posresses several highly commendable Lipman. features. The figures are plentiful and carefully organic Chemistry-Noyes. selected. The model ltudy outline given at the Organic Chemistry for the Laboratory-Noyes. end of the chapter "Oxygen and Ozone" should Physic~Kes~el. he very helpful to the student. The 11 full-page Science and Life-Soddy.
