General laboratory techniques - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

General laboratory techniques. Dan Kallus. J. Chem. Educ. , 1982, 59 (5), p 436. DOI: 10.1021/ed059p436.1. Publication Date: May 1982. Cite this:J. Ch...
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outlines (80 versus 40 lecture hours).. (2) . . coordination of laboratow expmenrer with lecture material, and (3) a n w r r r to all end-of-thechapter pwl,lrms. Answerj to pmblemu within the chapters are in the appendix. The student's guide contains further explanations of text material, self-tests and answers to the more difficult of the end-of-the-chapter problems RUrH B. HEMME Mother of Mercy High School Cincinnati. OH 4521 1

on quantitative analysis, instrumental analysis, and physical chemistry. If fairly recent copies of texts about these subjects are available, then it is not necessary to add this hook to a collection. However, it is convenient to have a single reference source containing information about a wide variety of laboratory techniques, and thus it would be a valuahle supplement. In summarv. .. Perlman's bank is well desiened..well written..and still uapful atier rwentwn years. I t yrrsents a hrief expo~it~on $of n widr variety of laharntc~rytechniqurs, and irs age should ngd detravt from its value.


DANKAUUS Midland Seniw High Schwi Midland. TX 79701

General Laboratory Techniques Philip Perlman, Franklin Publishing Co., 1964

2 In the preface the author states that the book provides an A to Z coverage of laboratory methods for analytical chemists, laboratory technicians. and students. Despite its 1964co~vriaht. .. . . the hook does a respectable job with this objective some seventeen years later. Obviouslv there are some commonlv used techniaues todav which were not common when the hwk u m puhlished; however, must ofthe more rermt techniques alluded to are p n h h l g not germane to the average high rrhw,l teacher's uork (e.a., HPLL', TL(.', mass spertnmetry. etr.,. The opening chaptcr on laboratory safety presents good, sound safety requirrmenb but does nut include any of the more recently identified chemical hazard*. such a t chl