General Mills Adds Crosby Tall Oil Fatty Acids to its Line of Aliphats

Nov 5, 2010 - Publication Date: October 17, 1955. Copyright © 1955 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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General Mills Adds Crosby Tall Oil Fatty Acids to its Line of Aliphats COOPERATIVE A R R A N G E M E N T OFFERS SPECIALIZED TALL O I L ACIDS W I T H NEW E C O N O M Y , I M P R O V E D T o meet the increasing demand for more "tailor-made" ctiemicals, General Mills has arranged to market tall oil fatty acids produced b y Crosby Chemical Company. They will be available to you from General Mills . . . as part of a full line of specialized fatty acids. With increased volume, this cooperative ar­ rangement promises you tall oil acids of un­ equalled quality at continued lower prices. Here's why. Crosby boasts the latest large-capacity equipment desigxied solely to distill tall oil fatty acids. It also has ample stocks and sources of crude "tall oil. General Mills backs up the quality, assuring


the same high standards as in the rest of the Aliphat line and gives you the security of two supply sources. Typical of the new tall oil fatty acids is Aliphat 44-A . . . with improved specifications. Aliphat 44-A offers lighter color, higher iodine value, less unsaponifiables, and lower rosin acids than before. By combining improved color with lower rosin acids and higher iodine value, Aliphat 44-A has improved immensely its value for alkyd resin manufacture. For example it is also ideally suited for white enamels and for metal surface coatings. For more data on these and other uses, mail the coupon below.

We also offer Polyamide Resins and Fatty Nitrogen Compounds.



Please send me technical information on General Mills Aliphat 44-A. Our use for the product is: Name Firm Address. SEND THIS COUPON •




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