GENERAL RADIO Company - Industrial ... - ACS Publications

May 18, 2012 - GENERAL RADIO Company. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1958, 50 (4), pp 18A–18A. DOI: 10.1021/i650580a710. Publication Date: April 1958. Copyright ...
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T y p i c a l of O E M Variac users is Consolidated Elec­ trodynamics Corporation of Rochester, New York. Their line of high-vacuum pumps, stills, and metallizing equip­ ment depends upon V a r i a i to provide long, reliable service for controlling laboratory and production processes.

Variacs are used as heat controls on CEC's Centrifugal Molecular Stills. These stills are capable o f distilling any non-corrosive, heatsensitive material having a molecular weight between 2 0 0 a n d 1200 that can be liquefied without molecular change. The model shown has sufficient capacity for pilot-plant distillation operations. The Evapor-ion Pump is a vacuum p u m p with no outlet. Titanium wire is fed into the center of the p u m p and is vaporized electrically. Upon striking the cooled p u m p wall, this vapor condenses into a thin layer. Molecules of active gases wandering into the p u m p strike this layer and are held as compounds by the t i t a n i u m . Those gas molecules that are inert are ionized by electrons radi­ ated f r o m a heater filament — an accelerator grid then drives these ions into the titanium layer, where they are buried by subsequent condensation. This constant removal of air molecules by evaporation and ionization produces a pressure in the range from 10- 4 to 10- 9 Hg. Three Variacs are used t o con­ trol titanium wire-feed rate, heater and accelerator-grid potentials.

Variacs are used for con­ trolling work heat, metal evaporation, a n d p u m p heat o n CEC's HighVacuum Metallizing Equip­ ment. The model shown is designed f o r productionrate metallizing of smallsized plastic, metal, or glass pieces.

V a r i a c continuously-adjustable autotransformers provide O E M users with high-efficiency voltage controls for a-c applications . . . All Variacs have Duratrak contact surfaces of plated silver alloy to eliminate oxidation p r o b ­ lems that are present with bare copper brush tracks . . . Variacs can withstand initial surges up to ten times their normal ratings . . . Smooth continuous adjustment from 0 up to 117% of input is possible . . . Less than 50°C tem­ perature rise under continuous operation . . . Can be easily designed into equipment for either panel, behind panel, wall, or table mounting . . . Available with current ratings from 2.4 to 50 amperes and may be ganged for additional capacity or polyphase operation . . . Available in ball bear­ ing, or motor-driven forms . . . Variacs also available for 350- to 1200-cycle s e r v i c e . . . All Variacs are covered by a 2-Year-Warranty — additional life insurance for manu­ facturers w h o build equipment for long, trouble-free service. Variacs for every need — Quantity and O E M discounts available . . . We invite your inquiry.

GENERAL RADIO Company 275 Massachusetts A v e n u e , Cambridge 3 9 , Mass., U. S. A . NEW YORK AREA: Tel. Ν . Ύ. WOrlh 4-2722, N . J . WHitney 3-3140 C H I C A G O : Tel. Village 8-9400 PHILADELPHIA: Tel. HAncock 4-7419 WASHINGTON, D. C : Tel. JUniper 5-1088 SAN FRANCISCO: Tel. Whitecliff 8-8233 LOS ANGELES 3 8 : Tel. Hollywood 9-6201 In C A N A D A . TORONTO: Tel. CHerry 6-2171


W E SELL· D I R E C T . Our District Sales Offices are staffed by engineers especially t r a i n e d t o help you in the selection of instru­ ments and m e a s u r i n g systems best suited to your needs. We welcome your inquiries — will help solve your problems.