General Sessions of the Academy of Sciences, U. S. S. R., September

General Sessions of the Academy of Sciences, U. S. S. R., September, 1943. S. C. Lind. J. Phys. Chem. , 1945, 49 (2), pp 167–167. DOI: 10.1021/j1504...
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The Pliotoyi,aphy of Ihc licciprocal Lalticc. B y >,I, J , ~ ~ L - X I W I X . .\nicrican Society for 1 - R a y a n d Electron Diffraction >\lonograph Series, T o . 1 . 6 x 9+i n . ; s 37 p p . ; 1s fig. Canibridgc, LZassachusetts : T h e Murray P r i n t i n g Company, 1941. Price : S1 .SO. T h e purpose of t h e ASSRED Monograph Series is t o t a k e care of t h e publication o i contributions within t h e sphrrc of interest of t h e American Society for S-Ray a n d Electron


Diffraction which arc too long t,o be acceptable i n the ordinary scientific journals. 1Iodern single-crystal x-ray diffraction techniques are based on t h e reciprocal lattice. T h i s monograph discnsses briefly t h e theory of photographing t h c reciprocal latticc without. distortion. a n d describes a new i n s t r u m e n t , t h e precession i n s t r u m e n t , for taking such photographs. T h e interpretation of precession photographs is coniparatively simple, since They are scaled photographs of t h e reciprocal lntticc Icvels. Details of t h e tcclinique, including tlie orientation of crystals, t h e accurate measurement of spacings, a n d t h e foriii of tlie Lorentz factor for t h e nicthoc!, are given. T h e precession nicthod possesses iniport a n t advantages over other mcthods for crystals n i t h large cell dimensions. Tlic exposures required arc very s h o r t , t h c photographs are readily intcrpretcd b y inspection, a n d t h e method requires a less perfect crystal t h a n o t h e r methods. T h e rcviewcr can foresee t h a t this method in t h e future m a y well assume t h e iniportancc ivhich the Weissenbcrg method non- enjoys i n single-crystal technique. T h e printing, reproduction, and binding have becn ell don12n i t h t h e exception of Fig. 12>\r-liich unfortunately appears t o have lost considerable detail fyoin t h e original.

HAROLD P.KLVG. Geiieinl Xesszotis OJ t h e altadcnirl o f Sciences, C . S . S H , S c p t e n i b e t , 1949. 242 pp. h volume containing t n e n t y - t w o papers (in Russian) presented at t h e meeting and biographical sketches of t h e members of t h e .ic~adcmyand of i t s sponsors, AIarshall Stalin a n d S e c r r t a r y Molatov S. C . LISD. l’he Chemical I n d ? t s t r ~ . B y Jos:I:i>iiIsI;I’XRRY. 123 pp. S e w Y o r k : Longmans, Green and Co., I n c . , 194-1. Price : $1.75. T h i s volunie is one of t h e series of .Iiiierica ul W’oik w i t t e n b y t h i s a u t h o r , and is presented in popular style for t h e l a y m a n . I n a n a t t e m p t t o cover t h e whole field, much of t h e niaterial is too abbreviated a n d t h e language oversimplified, so t h a t in m a n y instances therc is a lack of accuracy b o t h in material a n d in terminology. T h e book is very readable a n d has inany excellent photographic illustrations. It m a y give t h e uninitiated a fair picture of this very broad field. I t ~ v o u l dhave been much b e t t e r t o have tried t o cover a few related industries a n d t n have w r i t t e n several books on t h e whole ficltl of eheniical i n d u s t r y .


Chenzist/.y. By I I c s ~ t E r ~ r t r s cJ, o a x WALTER, ASI)GEORGEE . I i I ~ i B . i I , I , , vi 304 pp. S c n - T o r l i : John \Tiley a n d Sons, Inc., 1944. T h e purpose of t h e a u t h o r s , a s s t a t e d in their preface, has bcen t o present in a single unified t r e a t m e n t t h e basic principles of q u a n t u m niechanics a n d i t s applications t o cheniival problems, i n a reasonably complete fashion so t h a t a serious s t u d e n t could acquire a solid foundation on which t o build. T h e topics included are indicated in t h e list of chapter headings : Introduction (largely historical) ; Principles of Classical Mechanics; Priiiciplcs of Q u a n t u m Mechanics; Differcntial E q u a t i o n s of Q u a n t u m LIechanics; Q u a n t u m Mechanics of Some Simple Systems; T h e Hydrogen A t o m ; :Ipproximatc M e t h o d s ; Time-Dcpendent~ P e r t u r b a t i o n s a n d Radiation T h e o r y ; -4toniic S t r u c t u r e ; Group T h e o r y ; Electronic States o f Diatomic hIolecules; T h e Covalent B o n d ; Resonance arid t h e S t r u c t u r e of ComplexA\Iolerules; Principlcs of ?IIolccular Spectroscopy; Elcnicnts of Q u a n t u m Statistical Mechanics; Q u a n t u m Mechanical Theory of Reaction R a t e s ; Electric and SIagnetic Phenomena; ant1 Special Topics (van d e r Waals forces, t h e virial theorem, the restricted r o t a t o r ) . I t dl be seen from t h i s list t h a t considerably more topics a r e included t h a n in o t h c r iiitroductory t e x t s . Thc result h a s becn, inevitably, t h a t t h e book is written in a somewhat f)fra,titc7ri