Genesis of the Nernst Equation - ACS Symposium Series (ACS

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Chapter 8

Genesis of the Nernst Equation Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on January 17, 2013 | Publication Date: January 1, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0390.ch008

Mary D. Archer Newnham College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3 9DF, United Kingdom When Nernst started work alongside Arrhenius in Ostwald's Leipzig laboratory in 1887, there was uncertainty as to the location and quantification of the electromotive force (emf) of galvanic cells. Nernst's three seminal contributions of 1888 and 1889 (refs. 5-7) provided for the first time clear, atomistic explanations of, and quantitative expressions for, potential differences across: i) liquid junctions between two solutions of different concentrations of the same strong electrolyte; ii) electrode/electrolyte interfaces. Combined, these gave exact expressions for the emf of concentration cells and galvanic cells without liquid junction, in terms of the osmotic pressure p of each component in solution (proportional to concentration for very dilute solutions) and the 'dissolution pressure' P characteristic of each ion in a solid component. Nernst's early view that the separate terms of his wholecell equations gave the absolute potential difference across each individual interface was later modified by the recognition that the condition of zero interfacial charge is not necessarily the condition of zero potential difference. His eponymous equations for whole cells in any case relate to relative not absolute differences, and remain the crucial cornerstone of equilibrium electrochemistry. Hermann Walther Nernst, the son of a provincial judge, was born on 25th. June 1864 in the West Prussian town of Briesen (now Wabrzezno in Poland). He graduated primus omnium from the gymnasium at Graudenz, a fortified frontier town on the left bank of the Vistula. In the manner typical of German students of that time, he pursued his undergraduate studies at several universities. He spent his first (1883) and third semesters at Zürich, where Heinrich Weber had some years before discovered the strangely low heat capacities of certain elements at low temperatures. For his second semester, Nernst went

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In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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to Berlin to hear Helmholtz on thermodynamics, and for his fourth to Graz to hear Boltzmann, by whose atomistic ideas he was much impressed. Nernst's first publications, which came out in 1886-7 (1-4), derive from work undertaken in Graz in collaboration with Ettingshausen, one of Boltzmann's former pupils, on the combined effect of temperature differences and magnetic fields in electromagnetic induction. (The Nernst-Ettingshausen effect now forms part of the phenomenological foundation for the free electron theory of metals.) After a year's work, this new effect had provided Nernst with enough material for his graduation thesis, adjudged summa cum laude and published in condensed form as reference (3). In the autumn of 1886, Nernst moved to Würzburg to work on electrolyte conductivity with Friedrich Kohlrausch who, that same autumn, was visited by Svante Arrhenius. Arrhenius, five years older than Nernst, had been working with Ostwald, his early and important Ionist champion, at the Polytechnic Institute in Riga. After initial scepticism, Nernst was persuaded by Arrhenius's evidence for the complete dissociation of strong electrolytes and, excited by the range of data on ionic solutions that might thereby be explained, decided to go to Riga to work with Ostwald once he had obtained his Würzburg doctorate. However, before he could do so, Ostwald accepted in September 1887 the chair of Physical Chemistry in Leipzig; he offered Nernst the position of chief assistant in his laboratory, which Nernst gladly accepted. Arrhenius too moved to Leipzig, where Ostwald's group of loner also included van't Hoff. Work in the group centered around thermodynamics (Ostwald's 'energetics'), the colligative properties of gases and liquids and experimental evidence for Arrhenius's new hypothesis. The two papers by Nernst containing the first formulations of the equations which rapidly acquired and retained the generic title of Nernst equation were published, after a precursor paper on liquid junction potentials (5), from Leipzig in 1889 (6,7). The Nernst equation expresses the equivalence of the electrical work nЭE obtainable by the reversible (i.e. infinitely slow) discharge of a galvanic cell of cell emf E with the free energy change -AG of the cell reaction, and further quantifies E in terms of the activities of the cell components, equivalent to concentrations (c) in very dilute solutions. In modern notation, the Nernst equation for the general cell reaction vRR vPP, in which n moles of electrons are transferred, is written

where EӨ and E are the standard and actual cell emf respectively, T is Faraday's constant, R the gas constant, T the temperature and VR and VP the number of reacting P(roduct) and R(eagent) molecules respectively. For example, for the Daniell cell

the Nernst equation, ignoring the small liquid junction potential and the difference between concentration and activity, is

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Genesis of the Nernst Equation


where EӨ2 and EӨ1 are the standard electrode potentials of the Cu2+ | Cu couple and the Zn2+ | Zn couple respectively. A Nernst equation may be written for every galvanic cell at equilibrium. Therefore the equation is the basis of all thermo­ dynamic applications of potentiometry (i.e. measurement of opencircuit cell potentials by means of a potentiometer or other zerocurrent device). Cells may be constructed and appropriate Nernst equations written to find, for example, the dissociation constant of water, and many electrolyte activity coefficients and stability and solubility constants. Potentiometric titration curves are also interpreted by means of the appropriate Nernst equation. When current is drawn from a galvanic cell, or passed through an electrolytic cell, the electrodes generally depart from their equilibrium potentials and manifest charge-transfer overpotential due to a significant activation barrier to the faradaic process. However, if the kinetics of charge transfer at the electrode/ electrolyte interface are so rapid that the electrochemical reactants and products stay in equilibrium at the electrode surface even though a current passes, the Nernst equation still applies to the surface concentrations. Such a process is said to be electrochemically reversible or Nernstian - sometimes written with a lower case n, a mark of distinction also accorded to the adjectives coulombic, ohmic and faradaic. So powerful is the Nernst equation in respect of equilibrium electrochemistry that even now those whose electrochemistry has not progressed to the study of electrode kinetics sometimes misapply it to current-carrying systems which are not at equilibrium. Bockris has referred to the 1950'3 as the Nernstian Hiatus (8) because of the reluctance of electrochemists of the time to grapple with the branch of kinetics he has termed electrodics. In fact, although the Nernst equation is still to be found misapplied to irreversible systems, neglect of kinetic aspects of electrochemistry is not forgivable even on historical grounds, for the non-equilibrium concept of overpotential (Uberspannung) was introduced by Caspari in 1899 (9) and was quickly investigated by others, including Nernst (10). At the time Nernst started his Leipzig work, there was still uncertainty as to the location or locations of the emf of a galvanic cell. The old controversy between the contact theory of Volta and the chemical theory of Davy had subsided with the realization that chemical changes necessarily accompanied the passage of current through the cell but not the mere manifestation of an open-circuit potential. Several reliable galvanic cells, including the Plante and Leclanche cells, existed. Faraday's Laws had established that the passage of current through an electrolyte produced stoichiometric chemical changes at the electrodes of an electrolytic cell, and it was recognized that the drawing of current from a galvanic cell produced entirely equivalent chemical changes in the cell which caused it gradually to discharge. Moreover, the electrochemical version of the Berthelot hypothesis, due to Thomsen, namely that the electrical work obtainable from a galvanic cell should be equal to the heat of the cell reaction, was recognised as incorrect and was

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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obsolete. Helmholtz's work had established that the maximum electrical work obtainable was equal to the chemical free energy change of the cell reaction, i.e. that ΔG = - nTE. However, there remained the question of whether the emf of a galvanic cell arose at the two electrode/electrolyte interfaces, at the contact between the two dissimilar metal electrodes or, in a cell with a liquid junction, at the boundary between the two electrolytes. It was to this problem, and to the quantification of the emf in terms of the solution composition, that Nernst turned his attention. His three early Leipzig papers (5-7) represent a synthesis of concepts that he was well qualified to make. Working in Ostwald's laboratory, he must have absorbed some of the mass of electrochemical information which appeared a few years later in Ostwald's two-volume work on the history and theory of electrochemistry (11). He was thoroughly familiar with the second-law thermodynamics of Thomson and Clausius, and with the more recent pronouncements of van't Hoff and Helmholtz. Nernst was also imbued with the atomism of Dalton and Boltzmann, in which respect he differed from Ostwald and Helmholtz, and he had accepted Arrhenius's recently published (12,13) hypothesis of the complete dissociation of strong electrolytes in solution. However, his conductance work in Kohlrausch's laboratory had given him a lively appreciation of the effects of incomplete ionization of weak electrolytes. In July 1888, Nernst published in Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie, which had been started by van't Hoff and Arrhenius the previous year, an important paper entitled Zur Kinetik der in Lösung befindlichen Körper (Pt.I; Pt.II is not relevant in this context) on the diffusion theory of substances dissolved in solution (5). Having dealt quickly in this paper with the relatively simple case of diffusion of non-electrolytes using van't Hoff's recently published analogy (14) between gas pressure and osmotic pressure, Nernst moves on to electrolyte diffusion, a problem already considered by Wiedemann (15), Long (16) and Lenz (17). Drawing on the work of Hittorf and Kohlrausch on ionic transport numbers, mobilities and conduction, and that of Clausius, Ostwald and Arrhenius on the constitution of electrolytes, Nernst gives a clear atomistic description of how a liquid junction potential arises at the boundary between two solutions of different concentrations of the same strong electrolyte. He considers the case of a boundary formed between a dilute and a more concentrated solution of HC1. Since the ions in solution have an individual and separate existence, they must also have individual rates of diffusion. Initially, H+ diffuses faster from the concentrated to the dilute solution than does the less mobile Cl- but this produces an electric double layer (Doppelschicht) in which the field retards the cations and speeds the anions so that in the steady state both move by a combination of diffusion and migration at the same speed. Thus Nernst obtains his equation (5)

where u = cation mobility, v = anion mobility, p - osmotic pressure and P = electric potential. By equating the quantities of cations

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.


Genesis of the Nernst Equation


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and anions moving across the boundary in the yz-plane, Nernst is then able to evaluate Fick's previously empirical diffusion coefficient A" in terms of the ion mobilities (measurable by means of Kohlrausch's law of the independent migration of ions), yielding his equation (10)

where k is the diffusion coefficient in cm2 day-1 and p0 is the Boyle factor, i.e. the pressure of a perfect gas containing one mole in 1 cm3 (p0 = RT). Eq. 3a is the original form of the NernstEinstein equation for the diffusion coefficient D± of a 1:1 electrolyte, written in modern notation as

where A+ and A- are the equivalent conductances of the cation and anion respectively, and u+ and u- their mobilities (ui = Ai/T). By integrating eq. (2) between the limits of the bulk concentra­ tions of the two solutions, Nernst obtains for the liquid junction potential E

which in modern terminology (essentially adopted by Nernst by the early 1890's (18)) is

where t+ and t- are the transport numbers of the cation and anion respectively (t+ = u+/(u+ + u-), t- = u-/(u+ + u-)). Equations (4) are independent of the detailed nature of the boundary. Liquid junction potentials for two solutions containing ≥3 ions depend on the concentration profiles in the boundary region and awaited later treatment by Planck (19) and Henderson (20,21). Nernst points (5) out that, according to eq. (4a), liquid junction potentials depend only on the ratio of the two osmotic pressures p1 and p2 and not on their absolute values. So if one makes a cell such that in one all the solutions are n times more concentrated than in the other, both must give the same liquid junction potential. Nernst called this the superposition principle and prefaced many of his discussions with it; its validity (only approximate, in that osmotic coefficients are ignored) is powerful evidence for the complete dissociation of strong electrolytes. No means is available for measuring liquid junction potentials without introduction of additional interfaces through electrodes or other probes, so for experimental verification of his formula Nernst

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



was led to construct cells containing liquid junctions.

(6), entitled Zur Theorie



In paper


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published some six months after paper (5), Nernst considered concentration cells with transport, i.e. cells such as

in which there is no salt bridge and the two half-cells are identical save for the concentrations of the two solutions; the liquid junction in them is of the type considered by Nernst in paper (5) so the potential difference across it could be calculated. But to find the net emf of such a cell, the electrode processes and the potential difference at. each electrode/electrolyte interface had also to be considered. It was known that charge was carried across the electrode/ electrolyte interface in such a cell solely by the metal ions. The difference in the work done in transporting a given quantity of ions into AgNO3 solutions of osmotic pressure p' and p'' could be expressed on Second Law grounds as K 1n p'/p' , where K is a factor dependent on the units of measurement. But Nernst could not calculate the absolute work involved in transporting ions from electrolyte to electrode because there was no measure of the state of the ions in the electrode. Using vapor pressures and van't Hoff's theory of osmotic pressure as analogies, he therefore introduced, effectively as a constant of integration, the quantity P, the dissolution pressure (Lösungstension) characteristic of the metal. Although P was neither known nor calculable from other properties of the metal, this enabled Nernst to write the absolute work as

K ln P/p. To find the potential difference across the electrode/ electrolyte interface, Nernst then adapted his previous expression for a liquid junction potential by noting that all the electricity is carried across the interface by the moving metal ion so that u effectively becomes 1 and v zero. Thus Nernst obtains his equation (5) for the potential Em of the metal with respect to the potential Ee of the electrolyte:

which by 1896, had evolved into the rather more familiar format ε = RT ln C/c (22). As evidence for eq. (5), Nernst adduced some unpublished data of Ostwald's on the Zn|Zn2+ half-cell, taking into account the valence of zinc. Ostwald later commented (ref. (11), p 1136) that, considering the accumulation of experimental error, the numerical agreement could be regarded as satisfactory although it left something to be desired. It follows from eq. (5) that, if it so happens that P = p at the moment of first contact of electrode and electrolyte, the two are in equilibrium with no potential difference between them. However, P > p, metal ions will dissolve even at open circuit, taking with them a certain quantity of positive charge, leaving on the electrode the equivalent negative charge and creating an electric double layer at the interface. Conversely, if P < p, ions deposit on

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Genesis of the Nernst Equation


the electrode, causing it to become positively charged and leaving the equivalent negative charge at the solution boundary in the form of excess anions. The potential difference E thus created between metal and solution adds the electrical work |qE| to the work of transporting an ion of charge q across the interface, always acting to oppose the further movement of ions in the same direction. Equilibrium is reached when the sum of the chemical and electrical work done in transporting ions across the interface in either direction is zero. Two comments by Nernst which counter obvious arguments that might be raised against eq. (5) should be noted: i) because of the very large charge associated with metal ions (the large value of Faraday's constant, we might say), the quantity of ions moving across the interface to achieve equilibrium at open circuit is minute; ii) since in the nature of things P must always have a positive value, it seems that in contact with pure water (p = 0) all metals should be negatively charged to an infinite extent, which is not possible. We must therefore attribute to all metals the capacity of trace dissolution as ions. Nernst is now able to write an expression for the emf of a concentration cell such as Cell 2 by addition of the predicted liquid junction potential and the two opposed electrode/electrolyte interfacial potentials, giving his equation (6)

which in modern terminology is

Nernst shows that the emf of Cell 2, calculated from equation (6a) using the data of Hittorf (23) and Loeb and himself (24) on the transport number of Ag+ in silver acetate and silver nitrate, is in agreement with Miesler's published data (25). Turning to the similar case of concentration cells with anionreversible electrodes such as

Nernst gives the appropriate formula (his equation (11)) for the emf, namely

and shows the excellent agreement between calculated values and his own experimental data for Cell 3 and related cells in the table of data reproduced below, in which μ is the equivalent concentration.

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



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Hg,Hg 2 Cl 2 Hg,Hg 2 Br 2 Hg,Hg 2 Cl 2 Hg,Hg 2 Cl 2

, H C l μ 1 = 0 . 1 0 5 , H C l μ 2 = 0 . 0 1 8 0 , H g 2 C l 2 ,Hg , H B r μ 1 = 0 . 1 2 6 , H B r , μ 2 = 0 . 0 1 3 2 , H g 2 B r 2 ,Hg , L i C l μ 1 = 0 . 1 0 0 , L i C l μ 2 = 0 . 0 1 0 , H g 2 C l 2 ,Hg , K C l μ 1 = 0 . 1 2 5 , K C l μ 2 = 0 . 0 1 2 5 , H g 2 C l 2 ,Hg

Elektromotorische Kraft bei 18° beob. ber.

0.0710 0.0932 0.0354 0.0532

0.0717 Volt 0.0917 " 0.0336 " 0.0542 "

Such data provided good verification of equation (6c). However, as Nernst acknowledges in paper (6), he was not the first to give the correct expression for the emf of a concentration cell. Helmholtz (26,27) had produced an equivalent expression by calculating in terms of the different vapor pressures of the two solutions the free energy change involved in equalizing the two concentrations, yielding for cells such as Cell 2 the expression

where π0 and π are the vapor pressures of pure water and a solution of unit concentration respectively, and V0 is the volume of 1 gm water vapor at the prevailing temperature and pressure po. Nernst shows that equation (6a) and (6d) are equivalent if the lowering of the vapor pressure by a binary electrolyte is twice as great as that produced by the same concentration of a nonelectrolyte, and notes that it is "nicht uninteressant" that this is in agreement with Arrhenius's hypothesis of complete ionic dissociation. However, Nernst adds, Helmholtz's thermodynamic treatment gives no guide as to the location or locations of the potential differences which combine to produce the cell emf, whereas his summation is explicit and furthermore provides a mechanistic reason for the equivalence of electrical and chemical energy. This careful attention to Helmholtz's work contrasts with silence from Nernst on the published contributions of Duhem and Gibbs. Duhem's 1886 book (28) on thermodynamic potential contains an exact expression for the emf of concentration cells with transference, although his argument is taken (with attributions) from Helmholtz. Nernst seems at the time of the publication of his papers (5-7) to have been unaware of Duhem's book. As for Gibbs, Ostwald translated his thermodynamic writings into German in 1892 and only thereafter did they become required reading for all students at Leipzig. Three months after Nernst's paper (6) came paper (7), entitled Die elektromotorische Wirksamkeit der Ionen, the condensed published version of his Habilitationsschrift. Paper (7) is the consolidation of the approaches of papers (5) and (6), but also contains the extension of the earlier treatment to cells such as

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.


Genesis of the Nernst Equation


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These are simple in that they lack a liquid junction but complicated in that the two electrodes are made of different materials, so that the possibility of there being an additional interfacial potential difference across the metal|metal boundary must be considered. By combining the appropriate half-cell expressions obtained from eq. (5), Nernst obtains for the emf of Cell 4 the expression

where the first term relates to zinc and the second to chloride and A is the (unknown) potential difference between the two metals. In modern nomenclature, any contribution from the A term (discussed below) may be regarded as subsumed under the standard emfs EӨ in the following expression for Cell 4:

Bearing in mind that the modern sign convention for electrode potentials relates to the potential of the solution with respect to the metal, whereas Nernst uses the old convention of the potential of the metal with respect to the solution, eqs. (7a) and (7b) are formally equivalent if P and EӨ for each electrode are related by P = exp [-TEӨ/RT]. Nernst presented fairly limited data in support of his expression for the potential difference across an electrode/ electrolyte interface, though he made more measurements of liquid junction potentials. Negbaur (29) made extensive measurements on concentration cells, using both Nernst's and Planck's liquid junction formulae; Nernst wrote a careful commentary on this work (30). Schöller (3_1) showed that sodium amalgam electrodes obeyed the appropriate Nernst equation, and Gordon (32) that silver electrodes immersed in various fused silver nitrate/potassium nitrate/sodium nitrate mixtures also did. Duane (33,34) and Tower (35) carried out more liquid junction work, including the case that the two solutions were at different temperatures. In general, there was ready and rapid acceptance of the Nernst equations; by 1897, Moore (36) in his review of lead accumulators refers to "the well-known formula of Nernst for the E.M.F. of a cell". Bancroft's remarks (37) on the arbitrary nature of the dissolution pressure P are, however, telling, and Nernst himself had realized the difficulty, concluding paper (7) with the words: "When we finalLy succeed in measuring in absolute units the electrolytic dissolution pressures....we will have made an important advance by providing answers to questions that have engaged the attention of physicists since the times of Volta." He reverted to the problem in 1894 in a paper on the seat of the emf of the Daniell cell (38). He dismissed the metal/metal contact as a source of emf, correctly noting that a transient flow of charge might result from first contact but not an enduring current: thus A

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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in equations such as (7a) could be set to zero. Moreover, calculated and experimental values of liquid junction potentials were always small, so this left only the electrode/electrolyte interfaces as the source of the emf, and hence the difference in the dissolution pressures of the two electrodes was crucial. Still the problem of a priori calculation of a single P value remained: it was uncertain whether it was a property of the electrode only or depended on the counter ion in solution, and its physical meaning was unclear. By 1900, Nernst had shifted his stance further (39); he had abandoned the unsatisfactory P and essentially adopted the nowaccepted view that interfacial potential differences between chemically dissimilar phases are not individually measurable, although the difference between any two such potentials is. He had therefore concluded that electrode potentials could only be measured relative to one another, and proposed the hydrogen electrode as the standard whose EӨ value should be set at zero (39). He was led to these conclusions by noting that Helmholtz's hypothesis that the electroeapillary maximum (ecm) of a dropping mercury electrode identified the point of zero potential difference between mercury and solution is not necessarily true, since changing the ions in the solution may change the ecm. (This is of course so: in modern terms, however, the problem is not that specificially-adsorbed ions shift the ecm, but that even if they are absent so the interface indeed contains no ion layer, there remains the unmeasurable interfacial dipole potential.) Gibbs was taking a similar view at the same time, writing in 1899: "Again, the consideration of the electric potential in the electrolyte, and especially the consideration of the difference of potential in electrolyte and electrode, involves the consideration of quantities of which we have no apparent means of physical measurement, while the difference of potential in "pieces of metal of the same kind attached to the electrodes" is exactly one of the things which we can and do measure." (4()) However, the principle of what electrochemical potential differences could and could not be measured was not widely appreciated until much later when it was reformulated in terms of the electrochemical potential μ- = μ + zTФ by Guggenheim (41). After his eponymous equation was established, Nernst, although gradually shifting his attention from 'wet' to 'dry' chemistry, did substantial further electrochemical work on electrolytic dissociation (42-48), electrolysis (49), capillary-active ions (50), cell resistance (51) , electrostriction (52), hydrogen permeation (53,54), gas polarization (10), the stagnant layer at an electrode (now termed the Nernst diffusion layer) (55), and nervous electrical impulses (56,57). In the field of liquids and solutions, Nernst modified Wheatstone's bridge in order to measure the dielectric constants of liquids (58), and he proposed the theory of the solubility product (59) and generalized the distribution law (60,61). After the publication of his Habilitationsschrift, Nernst was successful in obtaining a lectureship at Leipzig. In the summer of 1889, he took a temporary assistantship in Heidelberg, where a lecturer was required until Bunsen's successor was appointed. In 1890, he left Leipzig for good to take up a lectureship at Göttingen, in charge of a sub-department of the Physics laboratory under Riecke,

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Genesis of the Nernst Equation


and he stayed there in positions of increasing importance and influence for the next fifteen years. At Göttingen, and after 1905 in Berlin, under the patronage of Kaiser Wilhelm II and the powerful Friedrich Althoff, Permanent Secretary at the Prussian Ministry of Education, Nernst became a man of affairs, though not to the exclusion of his science (62). His heat theorem work, based on measurements of the heat capacities of solids at very low temperatures, earned him the Nobel prize in 1920. Nernst was at heart a practical man rather than a theoretician, and his equation is an eminently practical one. Of Nernst's Theoretical Chemistry published in 1893, which became the standard text in physical chemistry until the twenties, Einstein in his affectionate obituary notice of Nernst could say no better than that it was "theoretically elementary" (63). But to Nernst's Leipzig work, Einstein accords a celebratory elegy: "Nernst ascended from Arrhenius, Ostwald and van't Hoff, the last of a dynasty that based its investigations on thermodynamics, osmotic pressure and ionic theory."

Literature Cited 1. Ettingshausen, A. v.; Nernst, W. Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien 1886, 94, 560-610. 2. Ettingshausen, A. v.; Nernst, W. Ann. Phys. Chem. (Wied. Ann.) 1886, 29, 343-47. 3. Nernst, W. Ann. Phys. Chem. (Wied. Ann.) 1887, 31, 760-89. 4. Ettingshausen, A. v.; Nernst, W. Ann. Phys. Chem. (Wied. Ann.), 1888, 33, 474-92. 5. Nernst, W. Z. physik. Chem. 1888, 2, 613-37. 6. Nernst, W. Sitzungsber. preuss. Akad. Wiss. 1889, 83-95. 7. Nernst, W. Z. physik. Chem. 1889, 4, 129-81. 8. Bockris, J. O'M. ; Reddy, A. K. N. Modern Electrochemistry; Macdonald & Co.: London, 1970; p 16, 23, 24. 9. Caspari, W. A. Z. physik. Chem. 1899, 30, 89-97. 10. Nernst, W.; Dolezalek, F. Z. Elektrochem. 1899-1900, 549-50. 11. Ostwald, W. Elektrochemie: Ihre Geschichte und Lehre; Veit & Comp.: Leipzig, 1896. Published in translation as Electrochemistry: History and Theory by Amerind Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1980 for the Smithsonian Institution and the National Science Foundation, Washington D.C. 12. Arrhenius, S. Mag.-Cirkular der B.A.C.f.E. 1887, 23. 13. Arrhenius, S. Z. physik. Chem. 1887, 1, 631-48. 14. van't Hoff, J. H. Z. physik. Chem. 1887, 1, 481-508. 15. Wiedemann, G. Ann. Phys. Chem. (Pogg. Ann.) 1858, 104, 162-70. 16. Long, J. H. Ann. Phys. Chem. (Wied. Ann.) 1880, 9, 613-641. 17. Lenz, R. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sciences Petersbourg 1882, 7th series, 30(8), 64 pp. 18. Nernst, W.; Pauli, R. Ann. Phys. Chem. (Wied. Ann. ) 1892, 45, 353-59. 19. Planck, M. Ann. Phys. Chem. (Wied. Ann.) 1890, 40, 561-76. 20. Henderson, P. Z. physik. Chem. 1907, 59, 118-28. 21. Henderson, P. Z. physik. Chem. 1908, 63, 325-45. 22. Nernst, W. Z. Elektrochem. 1896, 52-54.

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

126 23. 24. 25.

Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on January 17, 2013 | Publication Date: January 1, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0390.ch008

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 12. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63.


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RECEIVED August 3, 1988

In Electrochemistry, Past and Present; Stock, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.