Geochemical Behavior off Disposed Radioactive Waste - C&EN

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Geochemlcal Behavior off Disposed Radioactive Waste 0.8. Barnoy end W.W. Schutz, Editors Rockwell Hanford Operations J.D. Nsvrstil, Editor Rockwall Interna­ tional Rocky Hats Plant

Examinee the complex laeue of radioactive alandtfc I the health hasarda at underground wast· s i t · · . A M M M t h · chomlcal and physical bahavior of « from the mictear fuel cycle, " aland ι totting, and fromι madic ι iactlvMee. CONTENTS

Sorption and Dasorptton Reaction· with lrtterbed~ Matariala ο Réactions Between Tc and FaContaining Minerals a Radionuclide Sorption Mechanisms and Rates on Granitic Rock ο Actinkle and Technetium Sorption on Fe-SUicate ami Dispersed Day Colloids ο Adsorption of Nuclides on Hydrous Oxides ο High-Level Waste Components on Solubility and Sorption of Co, Sr, Np.Pu.Am ο Hydrolysis of Am(lll) and Pu(IV) ο Aging Effect on Solubility and CryttalHnity of NptfV) Hydrous Oxide ο Geochemical Controls on Radionuclide Releases from Waste Repository in Basalt ο Radtonudide-Humic Acid Interac­ tions ο Oxygen Consumption and Redox Conditione in Basalt ο Monitoring and Control of EhpH Conditions in Hydrothermal Experiments ο Cs - Feldspars Interaction ο Interaction of Groundwater and Basalt Fissure Surfaces and Ef­ fect on Actinide Migration ο Organic* and Ra­ dionuclides Subsurfaces Migration ο Uranium Mining Releases ο Uranium Mobility and RodFront Deposits ο Crystal Chemietry of ABO 4 Compounds ο Transformation Characteristics of LaVxNbi-x 0 4 Compounds ο Stability of Tetravalent ActinkJee in Perovskitee o a snd 0'Decay in the Solid State o Effects of Water Ofoof fponi! Flow Rates on Leaching ο BoroeHicato Qlass Awmtcon Chtnilcil Oocltty Containing Waste ο Leach Resistance of Iodine OMrfbutlon OfHet D M I . 70 Compounds ο Nuclear Waste — View from nSStUrt—nth St., N.W. Washington, D.C. WMMfMton, Ov 20036 or CALL TOLL M E 000-4244l747jod M M your ACS Symposium Série· No. 246 424 page· (1964) Oothbound VISA, MootorCofOt of Lc 64-3106 ISBN 0^412-0627-1 Amoricsfi Exproos orooUt US & Canada 676.68 Export 666JH oord.

APRIL 30,1984


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Size Exclusion Chromatography Methodology and Characterization of Polymers and Related Materials

Looks at recent advances In size exclusion chromatography and Its application In the analysis and characterization of polymers and related materials. Details major efforts made In SEC In the mechanism, instrumentation, calibration, and data treatment; operational variables, column technology, and oligomer analysis; and analysis of copolymers, branching, and cross-linked networks.

Theodore Provder, Editor Glidden Coatings and Resins

CONTENTS Particle Chromatography Modeling · Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) Modeling e Supercritical Fluid Chromatograph · Automated Data Analysis for GPC · SEC Using Narrow and Broad Molecular Weight Distribution e SEC of Polyethyienes e GPC: Correction for Imperfect Resolution e Molecular Weight Separation and SEC Column Dispersion · Fuzes Statistical Methods for Testing Identity of Polymer Molecular Weight Distribution e Polymer-Based HighEfficiency GPC Columns · GPC Separation of Small Molecules · High-Performance High-Speed GPC · Deuterium Oxide Use in Aqueous SEC e High-Performance GPC of Polyethylene terephthalate) e Degradation of Very High Molecular Weight Polymers in GPC · High-Efficiency GPC for Analysis of Oligomers and Small Molecules · Petroleum Crude and Distillates Analysis by GPC · SEC of Polyethylene e Characterization of Absolute Molecular Weight Distribution of Polymers e Linear and Branched Block Copolymers e Thermoset Resin Cross-link Order from: American Chemical Society Architecture e Epoxy Resin Cure Kinetics e Distribution Office Dept. 69 Sulfonated Polystyrenedivinylbenzene Net1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. works e Commercial Cellulose Triacetate


Washington, DC 20036 or CALL TOLL FREE 800-424-6747 and use your VISA, MasterCard, or American Express credit card.

ACS Symposium Series No. 245 390 pages (1984) Clothbound LC 83-27515 ISBN 0-8412-0826-3 US & Canada $65.95 Export $79.95