GERALD K. HELLER CO. - ACS Publications - American Chemical

May 16, 2012 - GERALD K. HELLER CO. Anal. Chem. , 1959, 31 (1), pp 100A–100A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60145a809. Publication Date: January 1959...
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Spectrophotometers. Circle 55A for detailed specifications on the new spec­ trophotometer PMQ I I that offers uni­ versal applications for rapid, reliable and accurate photometric measure­ ments of liquids, gases, and solids at the highest resolving power of the spectrum. Carl Zeiss, Inc., 485 5th Ave., N. Y. 17, Ν. Υ. 55Α



Complete with attachments F.O.B. Los Vegas


Stirrers. The "Waco" power stirrer provides high torque, 2 speeds (300 or 600 R.P.M.), has 2 shafts. WilkensAnderson Co., 4525 W. Division St., Chicago 51, 111. 65A


• Thyratron tubes on the Heller GT-21 controller sup­ ply demanded current by converting power in stepless variation to the direct cur­ rent motor. Assures con­ stant torque as mixes become either viscous or fluid. Vari­ able, reversible motor has direct and gear drive. Arma­ ture shaft speed, 0-5000 rpm. Gear shaft 18:1 ratio.Chuck, shafts, 3-step pulley included.

Stirrers. Bulletin provides informa­ tion on explosion proof, air driven stir­ rer with V e H P motor that provides variable speed from 100 to 6000 RPM. Grenier & Co., Inc., Box 417, Palos Heights, 111. 104A-3 Stirrers. New "Cenco" variable speed stirrer provides 100 to 1500 R P M . Central Scientific Co., 1708 Irving Park R d , Chicago 13, 111. 107A-4 Stopclocks. Circle 105A for literature on stopwatches, interval timers and control timers. Include info on 4 " or 8 " diam. dial stopclocks. Andrew Tech­ nical Supply Co., 7068 N . Clark St., Chicago 26, 111. 105A

Order from your Laboratory Supply Dealer or write—

GERALD K. HELLER CO. 1 8 1 9 Industrial Road

Las V e g a s , N e v a d a

For further information, circle number 100-1 on Readers' Service Card, page

ASCO LABORATORY GLAND IN 4 STANDARD TAPER SIZES The ASCO laboratory gland is available in four sizes, 2 4 / 4 0 2 9 / 4 2 , 3 4 / 4 5 and 45/50, standard taper, and is supplied for either 6 mm. or 1 0 mm. shafts or tubing. The body of gland is Teflon and is suitable for use with any materials, except metallic sodium. The ASCO gland offers many advantages over mercury sealed stirrers or precision bore stirrers, both pricewise a n d performance-wise. The gland is vacuum-tight to 5 Χ 1 0 - 6 mm. Hg. As a thermometer port, it allows standard thermometers to be used with standard taper joints and in addition allows depth regulation of the thermometer bulb. Gas entry tubes may be simply and properly adjusted to any flask with standard taper joints. ASCO glands a r e almost indestructible, chemi­ cally inert, w e a r compensating and universal in use.

FEATURES • * • • * * *

Requires no special shafts or tubing Inner and Outer " O " ring seals • Will not " F r e e z e " Teflon® construction • Thousands in use Non-contaminating • Non-breakable Will not w e a r loose • Pays for itself M a y be used as a stopper Operates af temperatures as high as 2 0 0 C.

Cat. N o . A 9 4 4 3 8 A S C O LABORATORY G L A N D . ITJoint Each

24/40 $11.75

29/42 $13.50

34/45 $14.75

Prices listed are for gland only. 45/50 $17.50



f I I

Supplies. Company has the facilities for supplying laboratories with furni­ ture, apparatus, instruments, equip­ ment, glassware, chemicals. Harshaw Scientific, Div. of The Harshaw Chem­ ical Co., Cleveland 6, Ohio 24A Tensiometers. The Dognon-Abribat tensiometer measures the surface ten­ sion and the static interfacial tension of two liquids. Also used to measure the elasticity of superficial films. Prolabo, 12 Rue Pelée, Paris l l , e France 86A

Thermometers. Catalog available on engraved stem thermometers. In stock for immediate delivery. Ace Glass Inc., Vineland, N. J. 73A Viscometers. Portable instrument measures viscosity of any fluid. Readings down to 1 / 5 of 1% with materials having viscosity of from 1 to 32,000,000 centipoises. Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc., Stoughton 212, Mass. 46A Viscometers. Circle 81A-1 for bulletin on the Hoeppler viscosimeter that operates on the falling ball principle. Circle 81A-2 for bulletin on the Ubbelohde viscosimeter that operates on the principle of the suspended level. Fish-Schurman Corp., 72 Portman Rd., New Rochelle, N. Y. 81A-1,2 {Continued on page 102 A)

For further information, circle number 100-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 83 A 100 A