Get rid of sludge and scale, yearly boiler cleaning, with VERSENE 100

Nov 6, 2010 - Publication Date: August 13, 1962. Copyright © 1962 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. Cite this:Chem...
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Get rid of sludge and scale8, yearly boiler cleaning, with

VERSENE100 More than two years of test results confirm the; ability of Versene® 100 chelating agent to prevent the formation of scale in many types of boilers. The test showed an over-all saving of 30% in costs over the previous year's operation. By continuously treating boiler water with a sufficient amount of Versene 100 to inactivate the hardness of the make-up water, boilers remain bare-metal clean! Scale and sludge are no problem. Heat transfer efficiency is constant. Gas to steam ratio shows no increase. Downtime for cleaning is minimized. Versene 100 chelating agent is a concentrated

"aqueous solution of the tetrasodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (Na4EDTA). It presents no handling problem. It can be added to the boiler feed water stream by any convenient method. And it has an important advantage over phosphate scale prevention agents that deposit a portion of the calcium and magnesium salts they form. The products of the internal treatment of Versene 100 are completely soluble and can be removed by blowdown. For full information on this method of turning annual boiler overhauls into routine inspections, return the coupon on the opposite page.