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Get the Hands-On Experience You Need to Do Your Job Better! Register TODAY for These Popular Lecture-Lab Courses! Polymer Chemistry: Principles and Practice Dr. ]ames E. McGrath, Course Director Perform a variety of practical, inudstry-oriented experiments in polymer topics—from synthesis to manufacture.
Polymer Characterization: Thermal, Mechanical, and Optical Dr. James E. McGrath, Course Director Learn the principal approaches to understanding polymeric solids and their behavior.
Sunday-Friday March 15-20, 1987 Sunday-Friday, August 9-14, 1987 Sunday-Friday, November 15-20, 1987
Sunday-Friday, June 7-12, 1987
Gas Chromatography: Packed and Capillary Columns Dr. Harold M. McNair, Course Director Gain valuable experience in the operation and maintenance of state-of-the-art GC systems. Monday-Friday, March 16-20, 1987 Monday-Friday, September 28-October 2, 1987 Applied Rheology and Polymer Processing Dr. Donald G. Baird, Course Director Learn how certain rheological measurements can be used to assess polymer processibility when all other standard techniques are of no value. Sunday-Friday March 29-April 3, 1987 Sunday-Friday, September 13-18, 1987 The Computer-Integrated Laboratory: A Hands-On Experience in Lab Automation Dr. Raymond E. Dessy, Course Director Gain a sound understanding of how to manage the computerintegrated laboratory—the key to successful implementation. Sunday-Friday, June 7-12, 1987 Sunday-Friday, September 20-25, 1987
Liquid Chromatography: Theory and Practice Dr. Harold M. McNair, Course Director Learn how to perform qualitative and quantitative analyses as well as how to maintain state-of-the-art HPLC systems. Monday-Thursday June 8-11, 1987 Monday-Thursday, December 14-17, 1987 Modern NMR Spectrometry: Principles and Practice Dr. Harry C. Dorn, Course Director Be able to optimize, maintain, and troubleshoot an NMR spectrometer on a daily basis. Monday-Friday, June 8-12, 1987 Polymer Synthesis: Fundamentals and Techniques Dr. James E. McGrath, Course Director Learn the theory and practice of polymer production, including a broad spectrum of synthetic techniques. Sunday-Friday June 21-26, 1987
Send in fhis coupon for α free brochure! American Chemical Society Education Division 1155 Sixteenth Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 Please send me a free brochure giving details on the lecturelab short courses to be offered at Virginia Tech in 1987.
CALL TODAY! To register by phone or to request α free brochure—CALL COLLECT (202) 872-4508.
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