Getting the most out of... EPICHLOROHYDRIN? - C&EN Global

Nov 5, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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G etting the most out of...

EPICHLOROHYDRIN? Where Shell Chemical Epichlorohydrin excels — epoxy resins plasîicizers stabilizers dyesfuffs

adhesives polymers surfactants cosmetics

pharmaceuticals surface coatings

Fifteen years ago, Shell Chemical pio­ neered the commercial production of highpurity epichlorohydrin. Since then, a series of important industrial products have been derived from "Epi." Long experience and quality-controlled production facilities make Shell Chemical the foremost supplier of high purity epi­


chlorohydrin, serving both small and large users. Your Shell Chemical representa­ tive will gladly explain the benefits in service that are yours when you order from Shell. Write for Technical Booklet SC: 49-35, Epichlorohydrin—a worth-while addition to your permanent reference shelf.


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