digital analysis gives you a printed numerical re- cord of enzyme rate ... Gilford representative show you how a. Gilford System ... THROUGHOUT. THE W...
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Simplified Interpretation of Enzyme Rate Data WITH THE GILFORD DIGITAL ANALYSIS SYSTEM

TIME-MINUTES The chart recording in the figure above was made w i t h a Gilford Automatic Recording Spectropho­ tometer equipped w i t h the Gilford Automatic Sample Handling System. The tape printout was produced simultaneously on a Gilford Data Lister equipped with a precision Timer. Compare the ease w i t h which the tape printout can be interpreted.

Acquire Your Digital Enzyme Analysis System The Flexible Gilford "Building Block" Way:

0.001 A Resolution. The new G i l f o r d System f o r digital analysis gives you a printed numerical re­ cord of enzyme rate i n f o r m a t i o n directly in absorbance w i t h a constant resolution of 0.001 A — accuracy made possible by the sensitivity, linearity and wide measuring range of the unique G i l f o r d Spectrophotometric System.

If you already have a Gilford Spectrophoto­ metric System*, you simply add t h e G i l f o r d Absorbance/Concentration Meter and Data Lister w i t h T i m e Base. •Model 2000 . . . 220, 222 or 222-A . . . 240 or 2400.

Eliminate Chart Interpretation and Analysis. There are no adjustments of chart controls nor any off-scale readings. Y o u get as many data points digitally as w i t h a recorder. A n d you avoid errors in t h e transcription and inter­ pretation of data.

If you have an Outmoded Spectrophotometer*, you can update it, using your optics. Just add a G i l f o r d Photometer, A u t o m a t i c Sample Handling System, Digital Absorbance/Concentration Meter and Data Lister/Timer.

Fast, Easy Conversion to Enzyme Concentration. Absorbance p r i n t o u t on an accurately controlled t i m e base permits you t o use a convenient en­ zyme template to q u i c k l y and easily convert Δ A data to concentration. The G i l f o r d Enzyme Tem­ plate contains tables of Δ A/mm. vs. I U / l i t e r for many enzymes.

Or, invest in a new Gilford Spectrophotometer. Enjoy the advantages and versatility of Gilford U V - V I S true linear absorbance systems.

* L i t t r o w single-beam type.

Let a G i l f o r d representative show you how a G i l f o r d System can serve y o u r laboratory w i t h — FLEXIBILITY






GILFORD INSTRUMENT LABORATORIES INC. · OBERLIN, OHIO 44074 E X C L U S I V E R E P R E S E N T A T I O N T H R O U G H O U T T H E W O R L D . . . IN EUROPE C O N T A C T : Gilford Europe, S.A. · 74 Rue M.S. Defresne · 94-Vitry-Sur-Seine · France · Phone: 726 43 70 Circle No. 55 on Readers' Service Card

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