Gilford Instrument Laboratories Incorporated

-drift less than 0.005 A per hour. Wavelength range from 200 to 700 millimicrons. This versatile instrument is convenient for single-sample measuremen...
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1.0% Τ 0.1% Τ 0% Τ



1.000 A

2.000 A

3.000 A

Gilford Spectrophotometers utilize a unique principle to measure Absorbance d i r e c t l y . The second and third decades, severely compressed in %—transmittance instruments, are fully expanded in Gilford Instruments—for equal accuracy and resolution throughout the complete range. Absorbance is presented digitally to 0.001 A -from 0.000 A to 3.000 A or it can be readily recorded. Concentration is measurable directly over a 1000:1 range.

Add TWO usable decades and 0.001 A resolution t o your " o l d " spectrophotometer Combining Gilford photometric elements with your old monochromator can convert your present instrument into a research quality spectrophotometer superior to most presently available systems—and at mod­ erate cost. Recent advances in electronics permit measurement of light with a sensitivity not previously possible. In contrast, except for minor improvement in materials, the per­ formance of quality optical systems has re­ mained essentially unchanged for many years. You can now have a new, precision spec­ trophotometer of unsurpassed sensitivity over the entire range from 0.000 to 3.000 A b s o r b a n c e u n i t s (A) with resolution throughout of 0.001 A. Exceptional stability

- d r i f t less than 0.005 A per hour. Wavelength range from 200 to 700 millimicrons. This versatile instrument is convenient for single-sample measurements, for con­ tinuous monitoring, for repeated clinical or industrial quality-control testing. It gives a 4-place digital readout in Absorbance — or the output signal may, if desired, be fed into any standard linear chart recorder. Only two controls. Eliminates shutter and dark cur­ rent adjustments. Completely line-operated. NOTE: The Gilford Model 200 Spectrophotometer can also be purchased complete with Monochro­ mator and Dual Lamp Source. Other compatible accessories and attachments are available for automating many laboratory procedures. Send for specifications and quotation.

Gilford Instrument Laboratories Incorporated • Oberlin, Ohio 44074


model 2 0 0

SPECTROPHOTOMETER Circle No. 44 on Readers' Service Card 20 A