If vou currently have an Apple II Plus in your lab then oui oasy-to install Conversion Package will expand vour Apple into a Gil&on Controller. Gilson...
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The ILSON choice is the perfect choice for HPLC

I ho flexibility uf Gils»on HPLC system Ic Ν /cm dmir-f \v bVbtom νυιι need F-»i bepctialioru. rpciuiring < m id» nt LC WP offer S/-.tprïw 41 nvi %2 System 41 featun _, twn microprocr»_sar runtrollnJ r ι it lefill pum|is capable of microflnw, ratrs for prpr ISP cjipdipnt formation Other svs*prn « omponenla inrlude a dual beim vanahle wavplenrjth dttector low volume dynamic mixinu chamber convenient prebburo modti'e 6 puit miec'ion iKt and an Apple bj«>eJ Gradient Controller The Gradient Controllei allows pntrv and stnr-ιηρ of uiy gradient profile and includes provisions for remote t on'rol of devices such as char 11 ecorderb and frat tu ι c ol'pctui s System 42 ib identical to the ssvsiem tiebcrineJ àP(wo but is bupplied without det'jetor If vou currently have an Apple II Plus in your lab then oui oasy-to install Conversion Package will expand vour Apple into a Gil&on Controller Gilson svstpm? are supplied complete for most ipplicitions and are easy to set up and maintain ΩιΚοη*. modular concept using quality components offeis trie best price performance today Let our choice be your choicp For more information contât CSHeon Medical Electronics Bwî"*Mii^'nlf η W W * 3 · l"-A Tteleptonp i6Qn 93»· ι?: ι Gtison Medical Electronics (France) S A B P N u 46.95400· Λ hois It I M F ι." · Tetaahuio i3j 990 t>4