Gilson Medical Electronics, Inc

Gilson Medical Electronics, Inc., 3000 W. Beltline. Hwy., Box 27, Middleton, WI 53562-0027 USA, Tel: 608-836-1551, TLX: 26-5478, FAX: 608-831-4451...
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Gilson has six instruments for s a m p l e prep that a r e faster a n d more a c c u r a t e t h a n t h e s e The alternative is automation. And Gilson has six ways to im­ prove the accuracy of sample preparation while minimizing and /or eliminating those tedious, time-consuming repetitive tasks in your lab. ASPEC automates solid phase extraction ASPEC is a unique system that automates time-consuming sample preparation with dis­ posable solid phase extraction columns. It automatically condi­ tions columns, applies sample, washes with appropriate solvents and elutes cleaned up sample. And for HPLC, ASPEC can inject the samples into your system.

Auto injectors combine sample preparation and injection The Gilson 231/401 AutoSampling Injector and 232/401 Automatic Sample Processor and Injector combine sample prepara­ tion and injection for increased throughput. The instruments aspirate and dispense diluents, dilute standards, mix reagents and inject prepared samples into an HPLC system. The 231/401 can handle 120 samples; the

232/401, 540 samples. The 232/401 also has optional col­ umn switching capabilities. Auto-Samplers automate sample prep and transfer Gilson 221 and 222 AutoSamplers can completely auto­ mate sample transfer and prepa­ ration as easy-to-use sample transfer instruments or stand­ alone sample prep devices. Applications range from ICP spectroscopy and soil pH analy­ sis to protein quantification and routine quality control procedures. To learn more about automating sample prep... Simply request free literature. Just mark the appropriate reader service number, contact your local Gilson representa­ tive or call us toll-free.

ASTED cleans up complex biological samples ASTED is another unique system. It cleans up complex biological ^Λ samples using dialysis — to f ^fi^ remove high-molecular-weight compounds that could interfere with sample analysis — and trace enrichment. The ASTED system has built-in software for ten different methods.

For more information on: ASPEC, circle 50 ASTED, circle 51 Auto Injectors, circle 52 Auto-Samplers, circle 5J3^


Call 800-445-7661

Gilson Medical Electronics, Inc., 3000 W. Beltline Hwy., Box 27, Middleton, WI 53562-0027 USA, Tel: 608-836-1551, TLX: 26-5478, FAX: 608-831-4451 Gilson Medical Electronics (France) S.A., 72 rue Gambetta, B.P. No. 95400 Villiers-le-Bel, France, Tel: (33) 1, TLX: 606682, FAX: (33) 1

See us at FASEB, Booth Number 1012.