Glas-Col Apparatus Company

Special Cilas-Col Healing Mantle similar to ... Laboratories using them report substantial reductionsin fire ... heated, and heat distribution through...
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Unusually Shaped Laboratory Vessels Special Glas-Col Heating Mantle similar to standard mantles, with special provision for three, necks and cartridge heater.

Glas-Col Mantles can be built for Buchner funnels as shown, or glass funnels, bottles, columns, or other special shapes.

Application of controlled heat—in j u s t t h e right a m o u n t — a t j u s t t h e right place—is a big problem for laboratory technicians. Columns, funnels, tubing, and other complex laboratory shapes cannot b e heated by flame. Even when a standard flask is being heated, open flame produces a hot spot t h a t may upset a reaction or destroy valuable reagents. A n d fire is a hazard t h a t can result in breakage, explosion, or injury. Glas-Col Heating Mantles in special shapes offer a solution t o many such problems. T h e y can be built t o specification, t o fit funnels, bottles, columns, and other shapes. T h e y are easily controlled so that a specific temperature is maintained. A n d they're SAFE. Repeated tests have shown t h a t these mantles will not start fires, even when saturated with flammable liquids like ether or benzene. Laboratories using them report substantial reductions in fire loss, in addition t o t h e other advantages gained by using Glas-Col Mantles. T h e y ' r e safe t o use because all heating wires are buried in glass fiber insulation. N o wires can t o u c h t h e vessel being heated, and heat distribution through these protecting layers prevents h o t spots. If you are heating reagents of any kind, Glas-Col Heating Mantles can d o the j o b better. Standard mantles in a wide variety of sizes fit most applications, and special mantles can be constructed t o meet individual needs. Write for new Bulletin 2. Glas-Col Apparatus Company, D e p t . I C , 1700 S. Seventh St., Terre H a u t e , I n d .


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