Glas-Col Apparatus Company

Hemispherical mantles for round bottom flasks, low and high wattage types. Fur ri"..iii reaction fla_,k. Splioiical Mrtiillb fur 3-ncck flask i.ilii :...
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H e m i s p h e r i c a l m a n t l e s for r o u n d b o t t o m flasks, low a n d high wattage t y p e s .

Fur ri"..iii reaction fla_,k.

S p l i o i i c a l Mrtiillb fur 3-ncck flask i . i l i i :.i.Js υμ^ιιϊιι·',.

or Gril lin c r j l a i i i k " . ^ rool h f l i k o t H . For Squi'-'.j .111..I Globe Ivpe r.J.i:iel'j.

Heating tops with side o p e n i n g .

For s t a n d a r d taper funnels.

Glas-Col makes safe heating mantles... all kinds Over 700,000 are in service . . . and not one fire ever reported from their use. We'll continue to live up to that record. Glas-Col makes a complete line of electric heating mantles for almost any chemical apparatus. For special, highly complex equipment, too. Many standard models approved, by Canadian Standards Association. All described in GlasCol bulletins. Mail coupon for yours . . .

ibbon-type heating tape.

i..'.li Loiii.ioiiituro h e a t i n . - c o r d .

Fcr r o u n d hotLoir, fl.iF.k-i.

GLAS-COL® Dciiccjlor mantle-.

Also many CSA approved meta I-housed mantles " r e ic'jin reaction flasks.

Fur G i i f l m or sln.ulps-· S l l C l hPe'kLTS. For Ljucliimr or f-iLlud disc Buchrier f u n n e l s .

1 J I

Glas-Col Apparatus C o m p a n y Dept. AC, 7 1 1 Hulman Street Terre Haute, Indiana 4 7 8 0 2

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Please send Π Bulletin D Bulletin D Bulletin

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me t h e bulletin(s) checked: 66-L—Laboratory Mantles 66-GP— Glass Plant Mantles 66-IS—Industrial & Special Mantles


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