GLASS PIPE - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 4, 2010 - Eng. News , 1945, 23 (8), p 707. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v023n008.p707. Publication Date: April 25, 1945. Copyright © 1945 AMERICAN CHEMICAL ...
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O I L J à g g JP2ÏP3E can't keep a Secret . . . . PYREX Pipe provides a continuous "sight glass" for observing your product at every production stage. It's a matter of record that in many cases, transparent PYREX Pipe has made it possible t o detect product contamination in time to prevent costly loss of an entire run. But that is only one reason why P Y R E X brand Glass Pipe has earned a place in industrial plants. Its long years of service under tough operating conditions, its ruggedness and ability to take abuse have proved PYREX Pipe a thoroughly practical plant material. Where product purity must be maintained, trans­ parent P Y R E X Pipe offers the double protection of corrosion resistance and ease of cleaning. The remarkable resistance of P Y R E X Pipe t o corrosion

protects your product from contamination and contributes to its long service life. Resistance to thermal shock permits thorough, efficient cleaning with hot water and steam. IT'S EASY TO INSTALL PYREX PIPE

Installation of P Y R E X Pipe is just as easy as maintenance of cleanliness. N o special tools, no special training are required. Corning provides all the fittings you need; piping comes to you in the correct lengths ready for assembly with no additional work required. For complete information on how P Y R E X Pipe can solve your food handling and conveying problems, write Industrial Sales Dept., CE4




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