the first processed carbon-based filteraid
is now
Nerofil, the new-type carbon filteraid which is giving such excellent results in the filtration of caustic and fluorated solutions, is now processed to come to you completely dustless. This unretouched photograph shows a handful of Nerofil, taken directly from the package and dropped on a white table —note that the finest particles are still a powder —not a dust! Dustless Nerofil is packed in polyethylenelined bags for protection. For further information, f i l l out and send in the coupon below.
NEROFIL® NEROFIL DEPARTMENT, Great Lakes Carbon Corporation GREAT LAKES CARBON CORPORATION 612 CHICAGO NEW YORK LOS ANGELES So. Flower St., Los Angeles 17, California Name Position_ CompanyCity
. State_
Note: Nerofil is not offered as an activated carbon For further information, circle number 93 A on Readers' Service Card, page 101 A VOL. 4 9 , N O . 8