Global Challenges Require Global Cooperation - ACS Publications

have the skills and knowledge to make a significant contribution to solving them. In my own area of food chemistry there are the challenges of providi...
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Chapter 8

Global Challenges Require Global Cooperation

Downloaded by WESTERN UNIV on November 2, 2016 | Publication Date (Web): March 10, 2014 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2014-1157.ch008

L. Simon Sarkadi* President, Hungarian Chemical Society, Corvinus University of Budapest, Faculty of Food Science, Department of Food Chemistry and Nutrition, 1118 Budapest, Somlói u. 14-16, Hungary *E-mail: [email protected]

There are many serious problems facing the world, and chemists have the skills and knowledge to make a significant contribution to solving them. In my own area of food chemistry there are the challenges of providing sufficient high quality and nutritious food for the rapidly-increasing global population; there is the need to promote sustainability across the whole food production chain; there are the global problems of diet-related diseases such as obesity which is a significant risk factor for many adverse health conditions, and there is the need to ensure that our aging society maintains its health and well-being so as to reduce spiraling health and social costs. To address each of these global issues requires interdisciplinary research, and effective knowledge transfer to consumers, industries and policymakers. In the current economic crisis there is a need for scientists, industries, and other stakeholders around the world to work together to overcome these challenges most cost-effectively. Experienced scientists must also pass on their knowledge, contacts and experience to help train the next generation of scientists and entrepreneurs who will be involved in addressing these and other challenges.

© 2014 American Chemical Society Cheng et al.; Vision 2025: How To Succeed in the Global Chemistry Enterprise ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

Downloaded by WESTERN UNIV on November 2, 2016 | Publication Date (Web): March 10, 2014 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2014-1157.ch008

Introduction The Hungarian Chemical Society (HCS) was founded in 1907 (1). HCS represents about two thousand chemists in academia and industry. The Society has 10 Regional Bodies and 8 Workplace Groups and it supports 24 Divisions and 13 Working Parties, covering the main fields of chemistry. The Society’s primary objectives include the establishment of a professional public forum for the country’s chemists and provisions of indirect support for the national chemical sciences, education, and industries (including the pharmaceutical industry). One of the most important activities of the HCS is to organize national and international scientific meetings. HCS sponsors or promotes a number of international activities. As part of the International Year of Chemistry (IYC) programs, HCS and BASF established a unique online chemistry knowledge database (2). The website, which is currently available in 11 languages, won the Homepage of the Year contest in Hungary in 2011, being rated the best within the field of education. The HCS edits and supports various national and international journals and is a member of ChemPubSoc Europe and so owns a number of high-quality European journals. The HCS has established international cooperation agreements with six other National Chemical Societies and has good links with various international organizations including the American Chemical Society via the ACS Hungarian Chapter. I am very pleased to be the first female President of the Hungarian Chemical Society in more than a century, and it was a particular honor to be elected in 2011, the International Year of Chemistry. The chemical profession has six major problems to address over the next decades: Energy, Raw Materials, Water, Air, Health and Food. These are not just challenges for Hungary, of course; they are also European and global priorities. They also interact - for example, the production of healthy food requires the development of new technologies that are sustainable in their energy and water usage, the most effective exploitation of co-products (or waste products) and minimization of the pollution of the air or the wider environment. This will require global partnerships in science and technology to deliver results which can then be transferred to industry to benefit society in a competitive process.

Major Challenges Affecting the Chemistry Profession There are many serious environmental, technological and social problems facing the world, e.g., rapidly expanding world population, limited land and water availability, climate change, energy, food and health crisis. Chemistry, as a “central science”, has a major role to play in supporting the technological and industrial sectors, and chemists and chemical engineers have the skills and knowledge to make a significant contribution to address the aforementioned problems, and to facilitating knowledge transfer and economic and social development in a sustainable way. In 2011, the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS), Europe’s equivalent of the ACS, prepared a Roadmap entitled “Chemistry - Developing Solutions in a Changing World” to highlight the 70 Cheng et al.; Vision 2025: How To Succeed in the Global Chemistry Enterprise ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

central importance of chemistry to solving the pressing challenges that we, as society, face in a rapidly changing world (3, 4). The role of chemistry as both an underpinning and an applied science is critical. The following six problems are well defined by this Roadmap: Energy, Raw Materials, Water, Air, Health and Food. These are considered in turn below.

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Energy Modern life needs enormous amounts of energy to be delivered to end users as fuels, heat and electricity. Currently, the great majority of the world’s primary energy supply is provided by fossil fuels (81%) and uranium minerals (5.9%). Global energy demand is predicted to double by 2050 (5), driven mainly by economic growth in developing countries and by the expected increase in human population from the current level of 7 billion people to more than 9 billion. Raw Materials Over the past 25 years, global extraction of natural resources has grown by 45%. Owing mainly to inefficient recovery and recycling, many elements are left within discarded products in landfills or are dispersed in the environment in insufficient quantities for effective reclamation. A list of critical raw materials identified at European level is shown in Table 1 (6).

Table 1. Critical raw materials Antimony







Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) a


Rare earth (REs) b






PGMs: platinum, palladium, iridium, rhodium, ruthenium, osmium. b REs: yttrium, scandium, and lanthanides (lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium and lutetium).

Water Whilst 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, 97% of this resource is saline. Of the remaining 3% freshwater, 90% is locked away in glaciers, polar icecaps and inaccessible groundwater. Humanity’s growing needs must, therefore, be met with only 0.3% of our total water unless effective and simple desalination 71 Cheng et al.; Vision 2025: How To Succeed in the Global Chemistry Enterprise ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

processes are developed and applied on a local scale. Water demand is projected to increase by 55% globally over the next four decades (5). Air

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The main environmental impacts of air pollution are acidification of the oceans, climatic changes and soil erosion through the greenhouse effect caused by carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxides and ozone. Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are predicted to increase by 50% (5). Air pollution, of course, is recognized as a significant risk factor for multiple health conditions. Health The general indicators of human health over the past several decades show that populations are healthier, wealthier and living longer – although there is great variation and many people in developed countries do not benefit from this positive trend. However, the substantial progress in health over recent decades has been largely unequal. The nature of health problems is also changing: aging and the effects of poorly-managed urbanization and globalization all help to accelerate worldwide transmission of communicable diseases and increase the burden of chronic and non-communicable disorders. The healthcare sector will benefit greatly from new products, technologies, services and tools. The chemical sciences, in particular, have a central role to play in the fundamental research that will lead to new technologies. Food In my own area of food chemistry the global challenges are to provide sufficient high quality, nutritious and affordable food for the rapidly-increasing global population which, as soon as 2030, will have exceeded 8 billion. To match global energy and food demands with limited natural resources requires sustainability to be optimized across the whole food production chain. In addition, there are also global problems of diet-related diseases, such as obesity which is an established significant risk factor for many adverse health conditions, and there is a pressing need to ensure that our aging society maintains its health and well-being in order to reduce spiraling health and social costs, and to ensure the effectiveness of its aging labor force. Finally, it is vital that all sectors of society receive health and well-being benefits from a good diet and not just those consumers with sufficient economic means.

Opportunities for the Chemical Sciences A greater knowledge of the nutritional content of foods is needed to understand fully the food/health interactions, which could facilitate more efficient production of foods tailored to promotion of human and animal health. The 72 Cheng et al.; Vision 2025: How To Succeed in the Global Chemistry Enterprise ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

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chemical sciences are keys to identifying alternative supplies of ‘healthier foods’ possessing an improved nutritional profile. One of the main challenges is to produce food with less fat, salt and sugar that can be detrimental to health, while maintaining consumer perception and satisfaction from the products. Another challenge will be to develop improved food sources and fortifying foodstuffs to combat malnutrition and to target immune system health. Even a diet that contains more energy than required can be deficient in micronutrients. All of these challenges have to take into account the affordability of the product and will require significant input from socio-economic researchers. Microbial contamination of food is the most common cause of health problems for consumers (either by spoilage or by adulteration) and therefore remains a critical food hygiene and safety issue. The chemical sciences can support the European Food Safety Authority (7) in securing Europe’s food safety.

International Organizations The international organizations take a variety of forms and address a number of global challenges, notably food security, agriculture, health, energy, and climate change. Food and Health Research in Europe (FHARE) FHARE (8) aims to increase the structuring of food and health research and support cooperation towards the European Research Area (ERA). In April 2012, FAHRE launched its proposals for food and health research in Europe. FAHRE proposes more research on how to achieve healthier eating, e.g., through changing food production, changing behaviors, and showing the impacts of better governmental policies and regulation. It also proposes improvements in the organization of food and health research in Europe. There should be better links between food research and medical research, and more use of social sciences to determine effective interventions. Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI) Another example of the efforts of the European Union to tackle grand challenges is through joint programming (JP). A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (HDHL) provides a roadmap for harmonized and structured research efforts in the area of food, nutrition, health and physical activity (9). The JPI “A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life” will launch three Joint Actions in the following areas in the near future: -

Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity (DEDIPAC) Research will include studies which aim to improve understanding of the different biological, psychological and socio-cultural factors that impact on health, and how they interact 73 Cheng et al.; Vision 2025: How To Succeed in the Global Chemistry Enterprise ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.


Roadmap Initiative for Biomarkers for Nutritional/Health Claims The objective is to develop guidelines for a dossier for health claims. European Nutrition Phenotype Data Sharing Initiative The objective is to provide the highest level of standardization of all phenotypic information of study subjects with regard to diet, physical activity levels and all biological, clinical and physiological measurements that define human body responses in health and disease states.

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European Technology Platform Food for Life (ETP F4L) European Technology Platforms (ETP) are industry-led, public/private partnerships encouraged by the European Commission to drive innovation and unite stakeholder communities in reaching strategic research objectives of key European industry sectors (10). The main goals of the ETPs are to strengthen the European innovation process, improve knowledge transfer and stimulate European competitiveness across the food chain. ETP Food for Life identified the following areas of scientific challenge (11): -

Improved Health, Well-being and Longevity Safe Foods that Consumers Can Trust Sustainable and Ethical Production Food Processing, Packing and Quality Food Chain Management Communication, Training and Technology Transfer

European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) The 8th Framework Programme (now called Horizon 2020) will run between 2014 and 2020. Its priorities include addressing Global Challenges integrating the Education, Research and Innovation sectors (Note: ETP Food for Life only brings together the latter two) within the European Institute of Innovation and Technology and promoting collaboration and cooperation between the EU and other regions of the world (12). EIT governance structure is based on a Governing Board and Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs). The three existing KICs are: climate change mitigation (Climate-KIC) (13), information and communication technologies (EIT ICT Labs) (14) and sustainable energy (KIC InnoEnergy) (15).

Conclusions To address each of these global issues, chemists need to be able to work together with other professions and specializations, including the social sciences, and with industry. The fundamental element of measurements of the chemical sciences offers chemists an immediate entry into such areas of cooperation. 74 Cheng et al.; Vision 2025: How To Succeed in the Global Chemistry Enterprise ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2014.

It is also vital to support and encourage the next generation of chemical and molecular sciences and to provide them with contacts and networks which are necessary to optimize the impact of the results they produce. The above described priorities are extremely challenging and demand that countries and regions work together to deliver reliable information to stakeholder communities.

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Acknowledgments Thanks are due to Dr Marinda Li Wu, President of the American Chemical Society for inviting me to the Presidential Symposium on "Vision 2025: How to Succeed in the Global Chemistry Enterprise" in New Orleans on April 8-9, 2013 and giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts on global challenges facing the chemical world.

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