Global Kinetic Modeling of Aviation Fuel Fouling in Cooled Regions in

Jet fuel is used to cool military aircraft. Unfortunately, heated jet fuel reacts with dissolved oxygen to form products which foul fuel system compon...
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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1996, 35, 4028-4036

Global Kinetic Modeling of Aviation Fuel Fouling in Cooled Regions in a Flowing System Jamie S. Ervin* and Theodore F. Williams University of Dayton Research Institute, Dayton, Ohio 45469-0210

Vishwanath R. Katta Innovative Scientific Solutions, Inc., Dayton, Ohio 45430-1658

Jet fuel is used to cool military aircraft. Unfortunately, heated jet fuel reacts with dissolved oxygen to form products which foul fuel system components. Two categories of surface deposits which form in the autoxidative regime have been recently identified. The first forms in heated regions as the fuel is oxidized. The second accumulates in cooled regions as certain compounds within the reacted fuel become insoluble at reduced temperatures. This paper seeks to improve understanding of fouling at reduced temperatures and to develop a global chemistry model that can be used in computational fluid dynamics codes. Experiments were conducted in a flowing system using JP-8 fuel with different thermal stability additives. Some thermal stability additives reduced fouling in heated regions but were not as effective in cooled regions. The deposition and oxidation measurements obtained for specific flow conditions were used to calibrate a chemical kinetics model which uses global reactions to simulate deposition. The calibrated model yielded reasonable predictions within the thermal and flow regimes considered. Table 1. Neat Fuel Propertiesa

Introduction Effective heat transfer is vital to the design of highperformance military aircraft. Ram air is used extensively for cooling, but as aircraft operate near and above the sonic velocity, the stagnation temperature of the air precludes its use as a coolant. As an alternative, fuel is circulated around airframe and engine components to provide heat transfer that is required to keep these components relatively cool. Unfortunately, heated fuel reacts with dissolved oxygen to form products which foul fuel passages and tubes contained within on-board heat exchangers. Fouling degrades the heat transfer effectiveness since the presence of the deposit on tube walls increases the thermal resistance between the heated tube wall and the flowing fuel. Moreover, accumulated deposits can potentially arrest or distort the flow in tubes of small diameter and in engine nozzles. As autoxidation reactions proceed at elevated temperatures, bulk insolubles, bulk solubles, and surfacedeposition precursors are produced (Ervin et al., 1995; Jones and Balster, 1993). With the cooling of thermally stressed straight-run jet fuel, once soluble species may become insoluble and form surface deposits. This is important for military aircraft which recirculate fuel. In those aircraft, a fraction of the thermally stressed fuel is cooled on return to the fuel tanks; the remainder is burned in the combustor. The thermal stability (thermal stability refers to the deposit-forming tendency of the fuel) of jet fuels is generally assessed (by the JFTOT, for example (Hazlett, 1991)) by the mass of surface deposits and bulk insolubles generated at elevated temperatures (Heneghan and Kauffman, 1995; Jones et al., 1995). Flowing and static tests for fuel thermal stability are often performed under isothermal conditions, and thus, deposits which could form under lower temperatures go undetected. Thus, surface deposits formed from soluble species which become insoluble upon cooling to lower temperatures have until * E-mail: [email protected].

S0888-5885(96)00220-5 CCC: $12.00

fuel (Jet A) F-2827, straight-run

total sulfur aromatics (ppm) volume % 790


dissolved metals (ppb)

JFTOT breakpoint (°C)

Cu, 0.4 µm) produced by oxidized sulfur compounds had significant nitrogen content. In addition, the deposits formed in the cold tube are acetone soluble, but those formed in the heated blocks are not. Thus, the deposits in the cooled section have different properities than those found in the heated sections. Figures 3 and 4 show that oxidation and deposition mechanisms in the heated locations are different from those within the cooled tube; morphological differences in the two kinds of deposits become evident with SEM analysis. SEM micrographs (Figure 5) of JP-8 fuel deposits after 6 h of flow at 4 mL/min formed in the heated section (at 60 cm) reveal that the deposit appears to be composed of nearly spherical submicron particles, and this has been reported much earlier (Schirmer, 1970). At a location in the cooled tube near the maximum deposition rate (130 cm), the deposit micro-


O2 consumed heated block 1 (ppm)

O2 consumed heated block 2 (ppm)

total O2 consumed (ppm)

JP-8 JP-8B JP-8M

22 14 25

17 16 22

39 30 47

structure conforms to the topography of the underlying tube surface and has a roughness length scale smaller than that of the original metal surface but larger than that of the microspheres. The addition of thermal stability additives to JP-8 fuel complicates the understanding of the relation between deposition and oxidation because the thermal stability additives can change the chemical mechanisms of deposit formation. Tables 7 and 8 show that for the same flow rate but different imposed wall temperatures, JP-8B is oxidized at a slightly lower rate than the other fuels. In contrast, Zabarnick and Grinstead (1994) using a quartz crystal microbalance have demonstrated that the additive package added to JP-8 to make JP-8B can significantly delay the oxidation process. Figure 6 shows the variation in deposition rates along the length of the tube among JP-8, JP-8B, and JP-8M fuels. At 16 mL/min and a heated wall temperature of 270 °C (Figure 6a), JP-8M produces minimal deposits in the cooled section but moderate levels of deposits in the heated sections. Of the fuels with thermal stability additives, JP-8M produces the lowest total mass of deposits under the conditions of Figure 6a,b (16 mL/ min and an imposed wall temperature of 240 °C). In Figure 6c for a flow rate of 4 mL/min and a heated tube wall temperature of 227 °C, JP-8B has the lowest deposition rate in the heated sections but a relatively high deposition rate in the cooled section. The thermal stability additives in JP-8B are effective in altering the deposition mechanisms which occur at high temperatures but are less effective in preventing deposition in cooled regions. Generally, thermal stability experiments (Hazlett, 1991) do not study the flow of thermally stressed fuel through cooled sections. However, the results of Figure 6 show that thermal stability additives can be effective in heated regions but can also be less effective in downstream cooled regions. The implications of Figure 6 are significant for future thermal stability testing. Future thermal stability testing should incorporate deposition measurements in downstream cooled regions because the formation of two types of deposits is

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 35, No. 11, 1996 4035

Conclusions With the cooling of thermally stressed straight-run jet fuel, once soluble species may form deposits. In previous work, this kind of deposit has received little attention because the thermal stability of aviation fuel is generally assessed by tests which consider deposition only in regions maintained at temperatures where the fuel is oxidized. In the current work, deposition in cooled regions was numerically simulated, and experiments were performed to examine the effects of two different thermal stability additives there. From examination of the results obtained in this investigation, the following conclusions may be drawn: 1. Numerical simulations of the global chemistry involved in surface deposition are valuable in interpreting experimental results obtained from different flow regimes. 2. The rate of fouling in cooled regions can be an order of magnitude greater than that occurring in heated regions. Hence, deposition at cooled surfaces may be a serious problem in aircraft which recirculate large volumes of fuel. 3. Thermal stability additives that are effective in heated regions may be less effective in cooled regions. Thus, the fouling of cooled surfaces should be studied in the assessment of candidate thermal stability additives. Acknowledgment This work was supported by the U.S. Air Force, Aero Propulsion and Power, Fuels and Lubrication Division, Wright Laboratories, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, under Contract No. F33615-92-C-2207 (Technical monitor: C. W. Frayne). The authors also acknowledge the insightful comments of Dr. Steven Zabarnick and Dr. Shawn Heneghan of the University of Dayton Research Institute and Dr. Tim Edwards of Wright Laboratories. Nomenclature

Figure 6. (a) Measured deposition rates: JP-8, JP-8B, and JP8M. 16 mL/min, 270 °C. (b) Measured deposition rates: JP-8, JP8B, and JP-8M. 16 mL/min, 240 °C. (c) Measured deposition rates: JP-8, JP-8B, and JP-8M. 4 mL/min, 227 °C.

important to the development of recirculating fuel systems. Recirculation systems will use heat exchangers to cool the fuel to an appropriate temperature prior to returning it to the fuel tanks. These heat exchangers would likely be collectors of the type of deposits found here in the cooled block.

A1a ) exponential premultiplier corresponding to reaction 1a ASTM ) American Society for Testing and Materials C ) empirical constant in sticking probability expressions, (m2/N)0.7 Dbulk ) particles formed from fuel oxidation Dbulkc ) insolubles formed below Tcrit in bulk fuel Dwallc ) deposits formed at cooled tube surface Dwall ) deposits formed at heated tube surface E1a ) activation energy for reaction 1a, kcal/mol F ) fuel F-2827 ) Jet-A neat fuel F-2980 ) Jet-A neat fuel Fs ) heteroatomic species within fuel JFTOT ) jet fuel thermal oxidation test JP-8 ) F-2827 with additives given by MIL-T-83133 k ) reaction rate constant P ) precursor species for deposits formed in heated sections P1 ) precursor species for deposits formed in cooled sections R ) universal gas constant, kcal/mol K SEM ) scanning electron microscopy Tcrit ) temperature at which soluble species become insoluble, K τwall ) wall shear stress, N/m2 XPS ) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

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Received for review April 18, 1996 Revised manuscript received July 4, 1996 Accepted July 16, 1996X IE960220E

X Abstract published in Advance ACS Abstracts, October 1, 1996.