Glycerine Producers' Association

excellent solvent power and agreeable taste. New applications for Glycerine are extending its use in paints, foods, pharmaceuticals, packaging and man...
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Dystrip, developed by Ulano Products Co., in conjunction with the U. S. Air Force.

Topographical maps in minutes instead of hours Glycerine is the plasticizer in a new process for making area color separations and negatives. Gov­ ernment map makers report that the new process effects time savings of as much as 60 to 1 in pre­ paring maps for reproduction. In the new process, a plastic sheet is sensitized and contact printed. The sheet then is plasticized with Glycerine, allowing line-bounded areas to be stripped out easily. Dyeing converts the image into an opaque color separation. Glycerine has also found application in more conventional reproduction processes. It is widely used as a plasticizer for printing ink resins and as a humectant in stamp pads.

Glycerine's usefulness continues to grow. Stable in price, dependable in supply, Glycerine offers processors a unique balance of properties: It is hygroscopic, nontoxic, stable, nonvolatile, with excellent solvent power and agreeable taste. New applications for Glycerine are extending its use in paints, foods, pharmaceuticals, packaging and many other fields. For a useful 20-page booklet, "Glycerine Properties and Uses," write to:

Glycerine Producers' Association 295 Madison Avenue, New York 17, Ν. Υ.

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