0\yco Chemicals, Inc. USk has appointed ΙΗΦ new representatives to suppV/our specially chemical needs in europe GLYCO GLYCO CHEMICALS, INC. 51 Weaver Street P.O. Box 700 Greenwich, Conn. 06830 U.S.A. Phone (203) 661-1000
REX CAMPBELL δε CO. LTD. Distributors of Modern Products A.M.P. House Dingwall Road Croydon, Surrey CR9 3QU England. Telephone 01-681 1341 Telex 24285 Cables: REXAMPBELL
Contact • JAN D E K K E R B.V., Naarden International Chemicals Division. • F R I E D R I C H S T E I N F E L S A.G. These representatives join R E X CAMPBELL & COMPANY LTD. as part of GLYCO's International Marketing Organization. Through these representatives, GLYCO CHEMICALS, INC. will make available the technical assistance and service which has made us the Number 1 Supplier of Specialty Chemicals in the United States. GLYCO CHEMICALS, INC. produces emulsifiers, surfactants, fatty acids, synthetic waxes and other specialty chemicals for use in foods, paint, plastics, cos metics, textiles, petroleum, and metal-working industries.
pdlÉterl^ naarden international chemicals division
P.O. Box 10 Wormerveer, Holland Telephone (75) 81144 Telex 12273 Cables: DEKKER
SIEINREIS FRIEDRICH STEINFELS A.G. Heinrichstrasse 255 Postf ach, CH-8023 Zuerich5, Switzerland. Telephone (01)421414 Telex 845-57128 Cables: STEINFELS ZURICH F1