PE/glycols in medium-oil alkyds meet Federal Specification TT-R-00266b (Army-MR); 9/20/67
Pentaerythritol has always been used for long-oil alkyds. Current Federal Specification TT-R-00266b (Army-MR); 9 / 2 0 / 6 7 permits its use in PE/glycol combinations for medium-oil alkyds. Nice to know. Because, unlike glycerine's fluctuating supply and price, our PE is in ample supply. And at a consistently low price. So take a close look at the processing and price
And we've plenty of PE at a low, stable price.
advantages of combining our PE with our 1,3-BG or other glycols. Only Celanese offers you high quality PE in three forms. Pure mono. Tech crystals. And Tech pellets—an exclusive, dust-free form of PE. We're the world's leading producer of PE. Count on us for product, service, and prompt delivery. Celanese Chemical Company, Dept. 554-D, 245 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10017, a division of Celanese® Corporation.